Today is car day!

Today I go outside and freeze! -7 right now and a car awaits to be repaired… I have been sick and not able to repair the car, we also are trying to leave this weekend to the village, but I am not getting things done. So lets get it done today. New ignition coil? Check..


I will be honest with you! We have a lot to be thankful for and we better wake up. In the last few weeks we (western) tried to start World War Three, not once, but several times. Almost all actions against Russia, but a few pokes at China to spice up the pot. Are we

The truly imbecilic Erdogan…

The truly imbecilic Erdogan, a western puppet in all aspects, has royally setback his country, they will now lose out on the economic miracle of the Silk road Project, Turkey will remain wallowing in the 19th century, while the world created by the Silk Road Project fast forward to the 21st century. They will live