Russia is selling Submarines…

I have watched the press between Vietnam and Russia lately. There was rumors about submarine sales in the works. Looks like they were more than just rumors… Nothing ever became fact on information from Putin’s visit to Vietnam last year in December. The information just became fact. Looks like Vietnam is buying six (6) Kilo

A Broom in Russia…

A broom in Russia is a work of art and a talent that is handed down over the years. For a broom to last it must be put together correctly and Russians have a knack for making some awesome brooms out of twigs and string. The gentleman above makes his brooms for his usage to

Funeral in our Russian Village!

Svet and I instead of hanging around Moscow with the Victory Day Parade and such. We decided to hit the road and travel to our village (Sunrise to Freedom) and spend a weekend seeing what is happening in our favorite spot on earth. Part of the news was sad at the village. Another member of