Hi, I found this web blog the other day. The young man(Sebastian) who writes it is very talented, He has what I call a Heart and Soul. http://sebastians-soapbox.blogspot.com/2007/06/if-world-were-village-of-100-people.html I just wanted to pass it on, It made me think! What about you? Dead Link Blog Gone! Sorry! Kyle Keeton Windows to Russia! Fires are Dwindling […]
Windows to Russia has been protected from: 514,854 spam comments… This spam blocker account is only two months old. I intentionally started again from scratch with a new account after Windows to Russia was being destroyed by the server attack a few months ago… I am using two spam systems and still have some get […]
Sveta was in a hurry today. She had to run to get to her train and that was still a 20 minute run from our flat. I had to walk the dog still, before I got on with my excursions for the day… Now Boza does not like being left behind by Sveta. But I […]
Just some News about Russia from a variety of Russian sources. From Russian TV to Russian newspapers. Just to keep you informed on what is happening… Sberbank’s head German Gref sees no reason for the ruble rate to drop in the next few months, the banker was quoted as saying at “The Russian Monetary Market” […]
I was drinking my morning cup of coffee & came across this neat article about a bridge from the Crimea to Russia. This is really a much needed bridge … Under the project worked out by the Russian design-construction company Spetsfundamentstroy the Crimea-Kuban bridge construction will cost 480 million US dollars. ‘We are working at […]