How many murders committed per day in US? I could list links all day (hundreds) and I am only doing this to show you that we live with people dying everyday day in and day out, but we want to murder thousands in Syria for no reason… We have a lot of […]
The father of Aleksandr Litvinenko, who was killed by Polonium-210 poison in London in 2006, has told British investigators whom he believes was behind the crime. He named Litvinenko’s former boss Boris Berezovsky and one of his associates. The allegations are part of a video report sent to the New Scotland yard by Valter Litvinenko, […]
Coffee that wonderful substance that wakes the brain up and causes the synapses to fire at a better pace. Coffee thinking’s are a byproduct of that… 🙂 This article is directed at the Kremlin today. I have a huge readership that is located downtown Moscow, Almost as big as the readership from Washington DC. I […]
After months of delays, the government has finalized a much-touted visa agreement with the United States and drafted the corresponding bill, though it was unclear Wednesday when the State Duma would hear it. Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev approved the bill and ordered it to be sent to the Duma, the government said in a decree published on its website. The decree was dated and published May 25 but only became known […]
Moscow Refuses to Get Used to U.S. Envoy’s ‘Gaffes’ 21:55 30/05/2012 Moscow considers the “blunt” statements by U.S. Ambassador Michael McFaul to be totally unacceptable while his lack of professionalism could be detrimental to the reset of Russian-U.S. relations, a senior Russian diplomatic source said on Wednesday.Read More >>
Making sense out of Syria Making sense out of Syria The conflicting stories coming out of Western sources over Houla get more suspicious by the day. Given that the West in general, and the FUKUS Axis in particular, has tried to pull false flag events before, and given that they are itching to find an […]
Well it took the blog-sphere and some heated pointblank articles like mine all over the Russian network, to get McFaul and the Administration of America to back pedal and try to cover up what McFaul has been up to in Russia. So now after a stupid remark from the American government yesterday and it went […]
Russia is firmly dedicated not to let pass an initiative of foreign military intervention into Syria in the UN Security Council. “We always said we’re strongly against any kind of external interference into the Syrian conflict, because it would only worsen the situation and bring unpredictable consequences for Syria and the whole region,” Russia’s Deputy […]
Looks like U.S. envoy Michael McFaul has fulfilled my expectations of him and unless he wakes up and starts following the handbook called “Russian For Dummies!” He is going to feel the door in Russia slam him in the butt as he leaves Russia, as he is kicked through that door back home to America… […]
MOSCOW, May 28 (Itar-Tass World Service) The most serious incident during the civil war occurred in Syria. In the heavy gunfire about 100 people with children making a third of them were killed in Al Hula. It is still unclear who shot in Syrian children, but the experts doubt that any committee will be able […]