Russia backed by China and India is pushing through a takeover of the internet by a UN supranational agency to make the web truly universal. The aim of the plan is to standardize the behavior of countries concerning information and cyberspace. Leading emerging economies supported by other United Nations members initiated the discussion around handing […]
Paul Wen who I really thought would never come back after being treated like a evil communist Chinese. Actually Paul says that while he is a Chinese, he is not evil and not communist at all, but then as Paul says, “Half the people in America can not read anyway, so they do not know […]
When I come across things in this world that say that I can not do that or that I should not do that or that say why do that or say that you are gonna get in trouble… I guess I am a glutton for punishment, because I have found a list of words that […]
My Coffee Thoughts Were This: Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms in not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its […]
Huge, but it was only – according to Western media 30,000 to 40,000! That is huge and you must compare apples to apples and not apples to oranges. In America, China or even Russia it would be a small rally, but lets compared to population size, when a country has only 4.5 million people in […]
The Nabucco pipeline was a project that was developed out of a tremendous hatred toward Russia. It was an intentional plan to try to hurt Russia and damn to anything else. It was a pipeline that had no gas, no future and no money. What with the eventual collapse of the Western empire, the Nabucco […]
America supplies weapons and destructive items to the Syrian opposition… (Only fools think other wise! We lie and hide it!) Russia supplies weapons and destructive items to the Syrian government… (They do not lie, they admit it!) Read this e-mail I got today. It is one that I just received from a Florida based Holy-roller […]
Looks like a Party to me and love /peace prevail…Riots in Tunisia, Riots in Egypt, Riots in Yemen, Riots in Algeria, Riots in Lebanon, Riots in Albania, Riots in London, Riots in Canada, Riots in Greece, Riots in USA, Riots in Russia and riots all over the world… Gerald Celente’s “riots around the world” prediction […]
After reading a whole bunch on coffee and deciding that a good friend of mine who is a nurse, has expressed that I really should try just a cup of coffee a day. That cup of coffee actually could save your life is how it has been put to me. So I am sipping a […]
Sveta loves to take pictures and sometimes when she is on a business meeting like she was yesterday and she has extra time, she snaps a few pictures of what is around her… She brought home some wonderful images of Moscow. I picked a few to show and as she had 40 or so it […]