Now you know the truth and we are getting tired of it in the rest of the world…

The New York Times’ bombshell story on the secret US cyberwar on Russia’s electrical grid should’ve been a headline-breaker, but instead the paper minimized its prominence. One expert told Sputnik it’s because the story vindicates every cyberattack claim made by countries under the US’ gunsights. This started in Russia when Trump allowed and even signed

Western Media claiming North Korean official was murdered Kim Jong-un – then he shows up on TV…

The corporate media’s editorial standards for reporting on Official Enemies of the US government, especially North Korea, are as low as ever. Blatantly false stories are regularly circulated by leading news outlets without any kind of accountability. In the latest example of fake news disseminated without any hint of skepticism by America’s top journalists, virtually

Sad thought for today…

Virtually 90% plus + of whatever the USA and Marionette governments says or claims, have all been eventually, literally and unquestionably proven to be deliberate manipulative lies. This can be followed back a good hundred years without fail… An open mind can see it easily… Makes me sad to think how manipulative my own government