I have three pair of jeans that are faded and stained very bad. They are Tiny Russian Village jeans, yet they are still good jeans. Just that they look terrible and Russians just do not look as bad as I do walking around. Russians are very particular about how their clothes look. They do not […]
You can apply for an early pension to the Russian Pension Fund if the company goes bankrupt or there have been massive cuts. In this case, the pre-pensioner, who has two years or less before retirement, can count on early retirement. In order to receive such a pension, you need to have an insurance experience […]
Na, Ukraine does not roll off the tongue as well… But it does seem lately that Ukraine is being drug through the coals so to say… Soon though, we will be back to… Russia, Russia, Russia & China, China, China There that is better… ~Sarc~ WtR
Russian Pension Reform… (Info for Russians) Российская пенсионная реформа … (Информация для россиян)
Пенсионная реформа внесла коррективы в планы россиян, планирующих выход на пенсию. Однако, у некоторых по-прежнему есть возможность сделать это пораньше. Кто может стать пенсионером раньше положенного срока, как это сделать и что для этого нужно, выясняла обозреватель «РИАМО в Королеве». Pension reform has made adjustments to the plans of Russians planning to retire. However, some […]
The announcement of the opening of hundreds of new stores in China follows the company’s announcement earlier in the year, where it stated that it was planning to invest billions of dollars into its Chinese business. On Thursday, Walmart stated that it will mainly be using its investment to focus on groceries and online shopping, […]
Lets talk Kids… This morning I was thinking about kids in Russia. The Russians are very and I mean very attuned to their kids. Yes, you have the occasional oddball that could careless about children that they have, but a Russian puts their child first and foremost… This has its drawbacks; Low birthrate and that […]
Ooh Ee Ooh Ah Ah Ting Tang Walla Walla Bing Bang That is all you need to know… WtR
If there ever was a case of a pure distorted charade of our modern times of justice, Julian Assange is at the heart of it. Sweden has officially dropped the case, which means that Assange was correct in running in the first place. He said he was set up with lies and he was… Swedish […]
RIAMO (QUEEN) – Nov 22. A farm products store has opened in the фермерских продуктов, the press service of the Ministry of Consumer Market and Services of the Moscow Region said… The store opened on October 14. Its size is 976 square meters, where home grown farm products from more than 100+ suppliers of the […]
The fear of the impossible to overcome is at hand. This is not the actions of a Superpower that has its act together. It is conductive of either a spooked child and or something in serious psychosis issues… WASHINGTON, Nov 21 (Reuters) – Turkey needs to “get rid of” the Russian S-400 missile defense system […]