Lets hope that it does not freeze like last year? I will get images of everything else soon as they wake up. The white lilacs are doing good and the pear trees are about ready to be sprayed for creepy crawlers….I hope that the pears bloom good this year. They are getting old enough now… […]
So I can imagine Boris, Ivan and Olga (Putin anyone?) the Russians stood outside the White House with a state of the art Ray Gun zapping passing citizens and watching the people run away clutching their heads in agony… ~~ It’s so sad yet at the same time hilarious that the American Gov expects anyone […]
WASHINGTON (Sputnik) – US Secretary of State Antony Blinken says there will still be US presence in Afghanistan after the pullout of American forces is completed.”We’ve been engaged in Afghanistan for 20 years, and we sometimes forget why we went there in the first place, and that was to deal with the people who attacked […]
She sent me this link to a rehearsal for the upcoming parade in Moscow. It was a live stream and is all about a holiday that Russian has. Important stuff if a Russia citizen….it is an actual link to YouTube and a actual news source in Russia. About an actual event coming up in Russia […]
Russia responded to the European Council’s sanctions against six Russian nationals of March 2 and 22, 2021… The Russian foreign ministry published a blacklist of eight EU nationals who were banned from entering Russia. The blacklist includes David Sassoli, President of the European Parliament; Jorg Raupach, Berlin’s chief prosecutor; Ivars Abolins, chairman of Latvia’s National […]
Big tradition here in Russia: One week before Orthodox Easter the Russian church celebrates Pussy-Willow Sunday – an analogue of Palm Sunday. Few people know that this holiday has also Slavic past. Its name before Russia’s Christianization was Вербохлест (Verbohlest) which meaning is “to whip with a pussy-willow twig”. Source: Pussy-willow Sunday | Slavic holiday […]
Russia will have more days of the May break time. In an attempt at breaking the spread of Covid-19. The spread caused by sending kids back to school and 90% of the people ignoring the mask rules and in general not caring. Hospitals are full and it looks bad for right now… Sveta’s son has […]
Official word so far is: In the village of Zarya Svoboda, Saraevsky District, on Monday, April 26, after lunch, the grass caught fire. Fire brigades left for the village at 15.13. In addition to them, fire trucks from the forestry, the “Para” fish farm came to extinguish them. In total, 6 pieces of equipment worked […]
Digital realities over Real-Life realities: Everyone is a movie star. Everyone is a politician. Everyone is a walkway model. Everyone is something they are not… Okay, not everyone, yet billions of people on the internet everyday are pretending to be something or someone they are not… Some get rich being fake… Photoshop on images has […]
We the USA, owns the sandbox and either you like it or else! Blinken also added that the United States and Russia can work on mutual interests such as strategic stability and extending the New START arms control treaty if the Russian president “chooses not to escalate”. “If he chooses not to escalate, then I […]