That freaking by NATO as we watch…

Russia has settled upon a system of controlled destruction of the enemy at a rate of 600,000 soldiers per year (Give or take a few thousand). This is in conjunction with a systematically designed approach to miminize Russian losses…

This approach can be adjusted easily to increase body count and or decrease body count of the enemy. All the while keeping status of their losses at a stable substainable rate…

This stratagy is based upon Russian industrial growth, steadily increasing the production of ammunition, bombs and new equipment weapons and in opposite fashion, the systematic destruction of the Ukrainian industry and infrastructure…

This Ukrainian destruction has nothing to do with Ukraine. Ukraine is the failed tool that the west pumped a trillion dollars into, to destroy Russia. Ukraine is NATO’S graveyard and NATO is freaking out…

This freaking by NATO, whom are the Western Coalition which is collapsing in realtime as we watch, is our nemesis right now. It is this freaking dying empire that will push us all to the brink of death. For never does anyone and or anything in power, ever give up that power repectfully. – kKEETON


Kadyrov on Adam Kadyrov beat the Holy Quran burner Nikita Zhuravel…

I don’t like understatement. It is always better to put the final point – truthful and honest.

The Internet is still arguing about the fact that Adam Kadyrov beat the Holy Quran burner Nikita Zhuravel, an accomplice of the Ukrainian special services. Was it or wasn’t it?

He beat and did the right thing. Moreover, I believe that anyone who encroaches on any Holy Scripture, including ostentatiously burning it, thereby offending tens of millions of citizens of our great country, must suffer severe punishment.

Our country has a unique law protecting the Holy Scriptures, signed by Russian President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. The religious values ​​of the country’s citizens are protected by the state at the highest level. And this cannot be taken away by provocateurs!

Low acts of encroachment on the sacred are characteristic only of cynical, immoral, spineless and corrupt people who want to bring discord into society, which our state raises in the ideals of tolerance, tolerance and love for each other. These scum do not understand the language of persuasion, they do not want to build a state or develop it. They don’t want everyone in Russia to live side by side in peace and understanding. Such provocateurs and traitors are a sick tumor on the body that needs to be cauterized.

Without exaggeration, yes, I am proud of Adam’s action. He was always distinguished by the desire to grow not among his peers, but among older ones, thanks to which he formed adult ideals of honor, dignity and defense of his religion. I respect his choice.



And I can say that I respect his choice also, just as the same should happen to anyone burning a Christian Bible. The Holy Quran is a Bible and they must be respected. Or we are not worthy…

The idea of Satanism is becoming embedded into western society…


Russian Proverbs…

Revamped from December 30, 2006…

“Fear‘s eyes are large.”
– Russian Proverbs

“Love until you’re in the coffin.”
– Russian Proverbs

“Everything is good in its time.”
– Russian Proverbs

“A Russian harnesses slowly but rides fast.”
– Russian Proverbs

“What’s on one’s mind is on one’s tongue.”
– Russian Proverbs

“Live for a century, learn for a century.”
– Russian Proverbs

“Always live, always learn (and die being a fool.”
– Russian Proverbs

“Measure seven times, cut once.”
– Russian Proverbs

“A spoken word is not a sparrow. Once it flies out, you can’t catch it.”
– Russian Proverbs

“God keeps those safe who keep themselves safe.”
– Russian Proverbs

“Visiting is good, but home is better.”
– Russian Proverbs

“Time makes the best healer.”
– Russian Proverbs

“Every vegetable has its time.”
– Russian Proverbs

“Ride slower — get further.”
– Russian Proverbs

“The snail is coming, who knows when it arrives.”
– Russian Proverbs

“Morning is wiser than the evening.”
– Russian Proverbs

“Quality goods advertise themselves.”
– Russian Proverbs

“A bad compromise is better than a good lawsuit.”
– Russian Proverbs

“When you rush, you make people laugh.”
– Russian Proverbs

“Forbidden fruit is the sweetest.”
– Russian Proverbs

“Don‘t go to another monastery with your own rules.”
– Russian Proverbs

“Every joke has a grain of truth.”
– Russian Proverbs

“Visiting as a guest is good but it’s better at home.”
– Russian Proverbs

“Without effort, you won’t even pull a fish out of a pond.”
– Russian Proverbs

“Beauty requires sacrifice.”
– Russian Proverbs

“Don’t dig a hole for someone else or you will fall into it yourself.”
– Russian Proverbs

“The best offense is a good defense.”
– Russian Proverbs

“It’s better to have 100 friends than 100 rubles.”
– Russian Proverbs

“Nothing will happen in your life unless you try something.”
– Russian Proverbs

“Silence gives consent.”
– Russian Proverbs

“An old friend is better than two new friends.”
– Russian Proverbs

“Those who wake up early are served by God.”
– Russian Proverbs

“If you like to sled, you have to like to drag the sled.”
– Russian Proverbs

“Live with wolves, howl like a wolf.”
– Russian Proverbs