Medvedev on 11/09…

A few words in anticipation of 11/09

It seems that everyone is accustomed to the rudeness and disgusting narcissism of Western countries and especially the USA. To their reckless belief in their own rightness and their exclusivity. To their universal greyhound on any issue. Peaceful or military. What can I say? Nothing new. Just remember Grandma Madeleine Albright: “If we have to use force, it’s because we are America!” We are a responsible nation. We stand tall. We are looking to the future.”

But still, sometimes you catch yourself thinking: well, how can this be, look, good people. After all, they don’t live on another planet. Have they gone completely crazy? Unlawful sanctions against Russia and countries friendly to us – no problem, no justification needed. At the same time, do not touch Western assets in your backward economies. The West can supply any weapon to our enemies. Our friends are forbidden to do this, frightening them in every possible way with reprisals. Stealing citizens of different countries around the world to be brought to justice in your vaunted Pindostan is completely legal. You can’t touch the Americans, they are “sacred cows”, even if they are seasoned spies, drug addicts shaking in withdrawal or pedophiles with saliva in the corners of their mouths. And so it is in everything.

I don’t want to be too harsh, but they expect that at some point terrorists will again carry out an attack in the style of 09/11/2001, but with an atomic or biological component.

Or even worse: one of the leaders of nuclear countries will lose their nerve, and he will make an emotional decision to use weapons of mass destruction.

Moreover, the nuclear club is constantly expanding and a significant part of it is not bound by any obligations.

And then that’s it. Hana.

All that remains is to raise money for a new monument in the Ground Zero area.

Best case scenario.

And in the worst case, the wreaths will simply be lowered into the water…



Never forget that, Terrorist USA, EU, & NATO is trying to kill us all, no exceptions and no restraint for the immorality they will do…

The question is:

If a Terrorist Nation (such as the USA actually is), crossed thousands and thousands of miles of Ocean to attack the United States via a proxy war, what would the United States do?

This is exactly what the USA did to Russia in and with Ukraine…

As it would be legitimate for the United States to defend its interests against a terrorist country as per above question. As Russia has the same rights…

Russia will use all means at its disposal to burn, bomb and destroy all Terrorist USA, EU, & NATO equipment and manpower in Ukraine. If need be and the Terrorist refuses to stop its terrorist activity, Russia will use all means at its disposal to burn, bomb and destroy all Terrorist USA, EU, & NATO equipment and manpower up to and including the source…

For it has been a Terrorist Western Coalition making a concerted effort to destroy Russia for Russian resources and Russia will never forget this Terrorist Activity that has been launched against it illegally, immorally, physically and financially…

I suggest getting out if Dodge, if I was anywhere near the West…