Russia just has to keep her path she has charted…

Actually, the USA is the one that keeps getting more ridiculous. More than 40% of world trade is impacted by sanctions imposed by the United States. The USA is completely insane. All Russia had to do was chart her own way. Because, of course, the USA has proven to be a deranged, suicidal, maniacal puppet led by imbecilic fools who love Satan. – kKEETON


Putin kinda has told some reality folks…

“Apparently, they expect us to get scared at some point. But at the same time, they also say that they want to achieve a strategic defeat of Russia on the battlefield. What does this mean for Russia? For Russia, this means the end of its statehood. This means the end of the thousand-year history of the Russian state. I think this is understandable for everyone,” Putin noted.

“And then the question arises: Why should we be afraid? Wouldn’t it be better to go all the way then? This is elementary logic.” said Putin

“We do not need a preventive (nuke) strike yet, because the enemy is guaranteed to be destroyed in a retaliatory strike,” Putin said.

I read it as, Putin is saying in a nice way that the West can stick it up their ass…

Yes siree…


Ukrainian, Nazi, Mercenaries and Western Coalition Military Personnel and Western killed and or permanently removed from action in the SMO…

I’ve estimated in my everyday following that around 1.5 million Ukrainians have died and or been removed forever – about 27 : 1 (55,000 Russians removed)

Russia actually has given numbers that equate estimates about 1 million – 18 : 1 (55,000 Russians removed)

Our numbers match and get closer each time Russia says something. I have decided that I am not being nice and allowing a buffer to extend the news. But it is what it is and my numbers will be exonerated in the end…

That is Ukrainian, Nazi, Mercenaries and Western Coalition forever removed from the equation to Russians and that ratio will not change except to get much worse for the Western Coalition…


My suggestion is that you find a currency (Money) that is resourced based and not faith in Government based…

Fiat money is declared legal tender by the government that issues it. This includes money in circulation such as paper money or coins. Fiat money is backed by a country’s government rather than by a physical commodityor financial instrument. Most coin and paper … See more

I am just suggesting about a viable move to try to keep some semblance of a financial existence after fiat goes all Wiemar/Zimbabwe…