This Is Something That Two Super Powers Can Be Proud Of!

America Ranked 1st in Spam,
Russia Ranked 2nd in Spam!


I found this interesting & thought I would pass it on.
Russia emerged as the second spam superpower in the last quarter of 2007, yielding only to the United States in this traffic, said the report released at the web of Sophos, the IT and security control firm.
Under the Sophos latest report on the top spam-relaying countries, the United States is still the global leader in this indicator, accounting for 21.3 percent of spam traffic. Russia is the second with its 8.3 percent. It finally outpaced China, which managed to reduce spam messages to 4.2 percent and sink to the third position.

China is followed by Brazil, South Korea, Turkey, Italy, Poland, Germany, Spain, Mexico and Britain. Overall, those twelve spam-relaying countries account for 65 percent of global spam traffic.

Meanwhile, the Kaspersky Lab released its report on Russia’s spam traffic, claiming the spam share stepped up to 84.6 percent of all messages in January 2008. The lowest traffic (73.1 percent) was registered January 28, while the highest (97.3 percent) was noted on the first day of the year.

America better be careful or Russia will catch them and be the Spam Kings also! 🙂


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