Today has to be devoted to Bio-Lab USA Style, very bad situation and the repercussions will be with us for a very longtime…

USA Bio-Lab activity has become serious and dangerous. The inhumanity of the USA Gov as pertaining with human rights and human safety has been overshadowed by greed, hate and immorality…

Listed below are some of the links I have posted on the Bio-Lab issue since we found out during the start of the Russian SMO in Ukraine. It was just not nuclear weapons being designed, it was also Biological Weapons in the form of viruses and medicines to be used against Russians, Chinese and Iranians + others if needed…

Analysis of documents related to the military-biological activity of the USA in Ukraine…

I will always find and keep the info of USA Bio-Labs in Ukraine data posted, this is a serious violation of our Human rights to being safe on this planet…

More Bio-Lab from Georgia based USA Bio-Labs…

Updated: Very important Bio-Lab documents USA and Ukraine by Russia…

Hmm, 2008 it seems the USA awarded to help Ukraine in the Bio-Lab business…

All links Bio-lab Horror by the Western Empire…

Information on Bio-Lab crime by west in Ukraine…

Bio-Labs a Western collaboration to harm…

USA and her Bio-Labs around the world…

Who knew there were so many Bio-Labs in Ukraine?

Has the West Bio-Attacked China?

MoD of Russia and Russian Defense Ministry have published very incriminating USA Western BIO-LAB INFO…