An eagle wanted to eat our birdbrains…

Our birdbrains born in our yard are family. They have this yard as their sanctuary and that it will stay…

A young eagle decided to visit our yard and check out the baby birdbrains. We have eleven of them total. These kids should be safe here and with all the fish to eat, an eagle should be busy fishing. Not this eagle…

He most likely wishes that he had stayed fishing…

I heard the baby birdbrains change their tone and mama and papa birds were going nuts. In the corner of our yard where the grass is tall. The babies had all gathered and hidden. They were running from an eagle…. I have to tell you that eagles are huge. It was like a lion stalking a mouse, or in this case a bunch of mice…

I grabbed the first thing at hand and it has a handful of sand. Sand is everywhere here. The sand was wet and made a ball in my hand. Next…

I exploded a ball of wet sand on the back of the eagle. He or she had no idea that I was there and I caught it trying to grab one of our babies. The eagle went face forward and its wings spread and then I ran at it, tearing through the apple trees like a made bear after food. The eagle just about had a heart attack…

Its head had turned all the way around looking straight back. I wish I had a picture of that. There was none of the usual devil eyes as these eagles seem to have normally, it was eyes of saucers and shock…

I got within a ten feet and it finally took off. I had a broken apple limb from a recent storm, that I had grabbed as I ducked under a apple tree. I was going to smack myself an eagle on the head. I screamed all the way to protect my babies and their parents and this eagle left with a funny scream of terror and sand went everywhere, from its backside…

Ever seen an eagle shoot straight up in the air, like a helicopter?

I watched it fly like a raven being chased by the devil and looked down in the grass. Birdbrains all over the place. They just huddled in the grass together and peeped. Mama and papa birds sat on the fence watching the eagle and I turned and walked away to the house….

I remember yelling at the eagle that I would mount him in the wall of the home…. and make stew out of him to boot…

I kept looking back to see if the eagle was back and mumbled obscenities, but I think that it will find a better spot to terrorize little ones. I think it the eagle, was terrorized sufficiently to keep it away…

Do Not Mess With My Baby Birdbrains…