Firepower and Manpower – East vs West…

Lets make some clear about what these two terms mean in actual dictionary form and meaning…

Firepower: noun: firepower; noun: fire-power – the destructive capacity of guns, missiles, or a military force (used with reference to the number and size of guns available). – “the enormous disparity in firepower between the two sides”

Manpower: noun: manpower – the number of people working or available for work or service. – “the police had only limited manpower”

I knew that Russia was getting ready and I knew that China was getting ready. They were getting ready for this SMO or in longer terms “Special Military Operation” or better known now as Denazification. What I did not fathom was the disparity within each system that we now officially call The East and The West…

“The West” did not have an inkling of an idea that “The East” was at the stage it is…

Backtrack a second or so:

In 2007:

Russia: Never Lost Her Power!

I was waking up and in 2008…

Russia: Is NATO Scared Of Russia?

I could bring up a hundred articles about this subject (I have been busy you know?), the subject of NATO (West) against Russia. Over the years I have been watching this most important issue. Yet I still have been caught off guard by the manpower and firepower discrepancy. If I was caught off guard? I know that the collective west of the Empire of Lies and Chaos was caught off guard even more. Why? I live in Russia and I study daily what is going on and have been doing this since I woke up at the Red Square. I actually started to cry when I realized to what extent that we in the west have been deceived and lied to about Russia and the world at large…

I will only say – A pathological liar has no ability to comprehend and or try to comprehend that they are lying and the truth is, “that truth” causes a pathological liar to double, triple down upon lies which it created in the first place. – kKEETON

Back to manpower and firepower:

Take the definitions above literally for this post. They are crucial for all that is happening…

Lets look at the, “The West & The East” size…

The East is yellow and The West is black. Nothing more needs to be said, for the idea that the West is the world has just fallen in a pile of dung…

All you have to understand is that Russia alone has more firepower than The Complete Collective West has. Not manpower obviously, but firepower and it has become clear that Russia, the bouncer for The East has all the muscles. It has also become obvious that manpower is skewed to The East in a 7 or 8 to 1 ratio…

Facts are facts and all the lies do not make it different…

From handheld weapons, from nuclear weapons, from artillery, from ships, bombs, humans and even electronics. The East vs The West is not even a contest…

It is not a whimsical desire of mine, it is a fact, in our face and a whole bunch bigger than an 800 lb Gorilla smashing up your store displays…

The Bully Gorilla of The West is staring into the abyss and in that abyss is a Tyrannosaurus Rex…

We should contemplate more than our navels at this point…


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About Russian_Village

A survivor of six heart attacks and a brain tumor, a grumpy bear of a man, whom has declared Russia as his new and wonderful home. His wife is a true Russian Sweet Pea of a girl and she puts up with this bear of a guy and keeps him in line. Thank God for my Sweet Pea and Russia.