How long has it been that you heard military cargo planes constantly flying overhead?

Not long for me…

I listen to these buzzing military cargo planes and huge jet engine cargo craft all day and all night. Flying non-stop toward a war that has not even begun. Seriously, you people do not understand what is going on in the Western World…

The East is tired of your shit!

Russia has not rested and Russia will not rest until the Collective West and its Nazi games is stopped…

2:30 a.m. rumble so deep and so strong, woke me. I went to the window at -6 below and opened the window. Ice and snow drifted in on the change of pressures. The sound intensified and up high in the sky another of the hundred or so I have heard during the daytime of these birds of cargo shifters, let me know that Russia is preparing and is not sleeping…

I live here in Russia and even my Sweetpea has now noticed the difference between these monstrous cargo planes and a normal passenger jet. Oops there goes a dozen or so helicopters, thrumming their way toward the front. The front against the biggest terrorist country in the world…

The war is going and it is against the USA…

Terrorist must be put down!