Well, the Wells are dry! Tiny Russian Village is without water, or at least drinking water. We have I estimate 300 plus liters of water in storage, but….The main wells are dry. No one has responded to the distress calls and since it is opening duck season today, most likely we will hear nothing until Monday at the earliest…
Since it is duck season, there is a bunch of people all over the village and the village is alive and music blasting at 4 a.m. and they all are using water. This will be interesting to see how this works out…
It looks like the other day the power company did some work on the power lines in the village near us and changed the phase of the lines. Not sure in what way, but it seems to be a power company issue and they have to come out to fix. If it is found to be their fault and the pump is still okay? Then it most likely will be fixed sometime next week???
If it is a Tiny Russian Village problem? Then we have to get the money together, somehow, then buy a pump! The local government in a bigger village will then install it. But they do not buy the pump! Lets cross our fingers and hope the pump did not shell out!
The power surges caused by the power company, point to them as messing things up! Lets hope…
I will keep this updated as it progresses. I find it interesting to see the slow wheels of local admins at work…
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Boom, boom and more booms! Sounds like world war three out here. Don’t kid yourself that Russians do not have guns. Double barrel shotguns are plentiful and these guys have all the range of ammo to use in them. As I grew up with; a shotgun is a duck gun to a deer rifle with slugs. And everything else you want to use it for…
Vova is blasting his music, ten men are up there and getting ready to go after the terrible terror inducing ducks, that live on our lakes. You know, those vicious killer ducks, that all real men have to clean out before they overtake the world? If I sound sarcastic; that is because I have watched these ducks grow from babies to adults and Boza and I know them well. All hundreds of them….Lucky for the ducks the ones that survive opening day, become smarter, faster and wearily of humans. But right now, the ducks are raining from the skies in record numbers and the hunters are shooting them, like we try to shoot bombers down during an air raid…
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To add to the crazy! Full Moon!
- 63 X
- 100 X
- 128 X
I love taking pictures of the moon with my bridge camera. Last night it was so beautiful…
Here is what a regular camera sees…
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Only in America would we care, fight about or even give a crap! A song we all sing on a birthday and have been signing for a very longtime, is finished in its legal battle… Maybe?
But here it is in western press…Don’t take RT’s or my word for it…
US District Judge George King ordered the team of attorneys responsible for the “unusually positive results” in a legal battle surrounding the birthday song paid $4.62 million in legal fees, according to the fee order...
I am glad it is freed up for our use, but why? Why? Why does it have to be a court battle and many years of stupidity! Happy Birthday, just simply Happy Birthday to You! What happened to us?
The controversy around “Happy Birthday” kicked off in 2013, the root of case being Jennifer Nelson, a documentary maker who was forced to pay $1,500 in royalties to Warner/Chappell in order to use the song, according to tech website Technica.
In 2015, a breakthrough came when the copyright for the song was ruled invalid, and in the end a settlement was reached that allowed for the song to remain in the public domain.
Good Grief, Charlie Brown…