Svetochka and I will go do this in a few weeks…

Lomonosov MSU is rated as one of the most beautiful universities in the world and rightly so! On this free tour we will reveal the university’s enchanting history, full of famous people, mysterious legends and the enthralling stories only local students know best. You’ll see the must-see sites & secrets, and of course we’ll give you the best recommendations for the rest of your trip, all while you meet other like-minded travelers. Due to the fact that Moscow State University is an educational establishment

Source: Lomonosov MSU Free Walking Tour | MosGo Tours

Language: In English

Starts at: Every Saturday, 12 pm

Directions: To reach the meeting point, you need to go to Universitet metro station (метро Университет), on the red line (line 1). Once you have arrived at the station, you will need to take the escalator (do not take the exit with the stairs). When you are outside the station with the main street in front of you, walk along it (do not cross it) with the traffic to your right, in the direction of Moscow State University. After a 7-10 minute walk, you will reach the Fundamental Library of Moscow State University. In front of it is a monument to Shuvalov. Congratulations, you are at the meeting point! For more detailed information, see the photos and the map below.

Sounds like fun…


Started my health examinations…

Run from the mean Russian Women!

This Monday Sunday I go back to be picked upon… (Then next week round three will happen.)

But the basics are…

Long term 3 month blood sugar is 4.7 mmol/l and or 85 mg/dl. Kinda low, but very very good for this diabetic….I work at my diabetes 24 hours a day, 365 days a year… It shows!

I do not have HIV… (Had four tests since coming to Russia. Russians are very good about testing for HIV and very aware of the issue…)
I have a node on my thyroid gland…
My cholesterol is low….(I keep to a diet!)
I do not have any blood markers showing cancer of any type…
In fact my numbers are better than a few years ago. 😉

Stage 1. Laboratory research: (This is done)

1 Complete blood count ✅
2 Biochemical blood test ✅
3 Lipid profile (high and low density cholesterol) ✅
4 Glycated hemoglobin ✅
5 Coagulogram + D-dimer ✅
6 TSH thyroid stimulating hormone ✅
7 T4 free – thyroxine free thyroid ✅
8 Testosterone ✅
9 PSA common – tumor marker of the prostate gland ✅
10 PSA free – tumor marker of the prostate gland ✅
11 Complex HIV, syphilis, hepatitis B and C ✅
12 General urine analysis ✅

Extra done early from round two: thyroid ultrasound ✅, abdominal ultrasound ✅, ultrasound of the urinary system ✅.

Now I have to get ready for round two…

Stage 2 Diagnostic examination:

13 MRI of the pelvic organs (Round two)
14 echocardiography (ultrasound of the heart) (Round two)
15 ECG with transcript (Round two)
16 abdominal ultrasound (Done already in round one) ✅
17 thyroid ultrasound (Done already in round one) ✅
18 ultrasound of the urinary system (Done already in round one) ✅
19 Gastroscopy under sedation (in medication sleep) (Round three)
20 Colonoscopy under sedation (in medication sleep) (Round three)

Not as fun of a round of tests and then Round Three which is really not fun: (Probably a week after this Mondays tests.)

Then consultation time with the doctors…

21 Consultation cardiologist
22 Consultation urologist
23 Consultations of a gastroenterologist, endocrinologist, rheumatologist, and neurologist are also included.
24 Consultation therapist

So far just two issues that I see: One a node on my Thyroid and we will have to retest for sugar in my urine. Something not right with the urine test…

Oh! Remember that diabetes can be controlled. Never gotten rid of, but controlled. Eat right, exercise, take you medicine and test your blood sugar: I mean test it all the time…


USA Thy Ignorance Shines…

CBC said “Meng Wanzhou arrested on suspicion of violating trade sanctions against Iran”. Therefore that means we can arrest anyone due to suspicions and to hell with rule of law…

BEIJING (AP) — China on Thursday demanded that Canada release an executive of Chinese tech giant Huawei who was arrested in a case that compounds tensions with the U.S. and threatens to complicate trade talks. Meng Wanzhou, chief financial officer of Huawei Technologies Ltd., faces possible extradition to the United States, according to Canadian authorities. The Globe and Mail newspaper, citing law enforcement sources, said she is suspected of trying to evade U.S. trade curbs on Iran. Huawei, the biggest

Source: China demands Canada release executive of tech giant Huawei

Ignorance of our actions does not make it right. But I promise that soon reciprocal actions are going to start happening. I guess we are just going to rant and rave at the whole world, because we are falling farther and farther behind in almost literally everything…

First: Iran sanctions are illegal….period…illegal…
Second: We just put CEO’s of America in the bullseye as they travel the world to do business…

Can you say, “USA Isolation!” and or maybe worse yet, “We Want War!”


PS: Bad China, Bad Russia, Bad Venezuela, Bad North Korea, Bad Brazil, Bad Iraq, Bad Syria, Bad Iran, Bad Qatar, Bad Yemen, Bad Gaza, Bad Balkans, Bad France, Bad Mexico, Bad Cuba, Bad Belarus, Bad Democratic Republic of Congo, Bad Zimbabwe, Bad Sudan, Bad Cote D’Ivoire (Ivory Coast), Bad Burma, Bad Libya, Bad Lebanon, Bad bad bad bad and more and more bad countries… I know you can name a few more…there is dozens more…

Its really amazing that the government would go out of its way to have Ms.Meng Wanzhou, Huawei’s chief financial officer, and a non-U.S. citizen, arrested in Canada,for supposedly violating U.S. sanctions, yet can’t come to grips with arresting the Clintons, who are far more flagrantly egregious. Says a lot about how poor our justice system really is…

Again…. Thank You…. Donations

Again, I would like to thank you for the donations…

Again thank you…

So everyone knows, the money received in the last few days, overwhelmingly was specified to go toward the healthcare work (or allowed for what is needed most) that I will have done in this next seven day time period. In fact I start tomorrow with ultrasounds, blood tests and other goodies. Then Monday coming up I get to the no fun stuff..

Time for Super Checkup…

Therefore, since the domain has been paid for two years recently and server has been paid for the next year, I am able to divert funds to my healthcare…

And I thank you very much…


PS: What amazes me is that if I was a Russian Citizen, all my healthcare would be free. That is the way it works for Svetochka. She only pays if she desires a certain doctor and or private healthcare clinic. I do not have that choice, I have to pay….granted it is dirt cheap and good quality, compared to my old USA standards…

This is Russia – 6

She tried to wait and see the Patriarch Kirill of Moscow;
She never did see him, but she got some images and a few videos…

and a video…

I like the part when the lady runs out to meet a monk and kisses his hand. That is very common and I see our Father Pavel in the Tiny Russian Village have this happen to him constantly…

Maybe Sveta will post the information about what and where this monastery is?

And yes turn down the volume, “The Bells Will Be Ringing!”