Ukrainian calling to destroy Crimean Bridge…

MOSCOW, December 11. /TASS/. The Russian Foreign Ministry’s official spokeswoman, Maria Zakharova, said on Tuesday a Ukrainian lawmaker, who earlier urged to destroy the Crimean Bridge, had made a direct call for terrorism.Verkhovna Rada lawmaker Igor Mosiychuk was earlier quoted as saying that the bridge across the Kerch Strait, which connects Crimea with mainland Russia, must be “destroyed” by whoever possible, be it “Ukrainian subversive groups, insurgents from Caucasus, aliens or the Lord God himself.”Commenting on the reports, Maria Zakharova said it was “one of many statements, made by the Kiev regime and the modern Ukraine’s political establishment, which contains a direct call for terrorist activities.””If they see nothing wrong about public statements of this kind, it’s hard to imagine what their clandestine plans could be, or what kind of “peaceful future” the Ukrainian regime has prepared for its own country,” Zakharova wrote on her Facebook page.”The official government’s policies are based on provocations, similar to the Kerch Strait incident, the staged death of [Russian journalist Arkady Babchenko] and on endless intimidation and threats,” she added.

Source: TASS: Russian Politics & Diplomacy – Diplomat sees Ukrainian lawmaker’s call to destroy Crimean Bridge as inciting terrorism

Hmm….where have I heard of this before?

This goes along with the USA-Washington Examiner printing an article to Blow Up The Crimea Bride…

The Washington Examiner tells Ukraine to start a war with Russia…

The west has gone plumb loco and little lapdogs will take it wrong…


Had MRI, Ultrasound of heart and EKG…

As part of what I have been telling about, I am getting my major checkup here in Russia. I know, I know….Russia is a third world dump,~‽/s (~is that Sarc’ing the SARC?~) – “⸮”

But, hey I take great healthcare where I find it and in Russia, the healthcare is good and cheap…

Russian HealthcareRussian HealthcareRussian Healthcare

Therefore, after I get done within the next few weeks all my tests. I will talk more about such terrible things as healthcare in Russia….there I go again being terribly sarcastic….I gotta stop doing that…


After the tests yesterday, we went to eat at Burger King! Yippy, I love to have it, my way…

Have it your way at Burger King! Hold the pickles, hold the lettuce; … At Burger King, eat at Burger King!

This above image is what Burger King looks like most of the time around our neck of the woods in Russia…

Notice the free refill for drinks?

I had a King Chicken, my favorite and I num num num…

I guess I am just glad to be alive and most of my tests are looking good. I do have to go back and have MRI with contrast for my prostate. They found a couple of spots and will redo the test for free…what? For free? Did you say, “For Free?”

Yes, but remember all these tests are running me 50,000 rubles or right now $752. I know, I know, you think I am lying! I know I know, you can’t get your toenails trimmed for $752 in America…

Sorry Charlie!

Started my health examinations…


Memo… (1)

You Have Been Warned…

Memo to all non-USA individuals/citizens;

Don’t Transit or Travel to the USA or any of its subservient countries…

(Canada, Britain, Australia to name a few…)

You have been warned…


Fred Dworkin vs. the Sisterhood: Defending Women Against Bat-Brained Viragos | Fred On Everything

In my capacity of shade-tree anthropologist at large, I am trying to make sense of the far Left. It is tough sledding. Most of it makes as much sense as lug nuts on a birthday cake. Help me. I am really confused. I can’t see that the Left actually is Left, I mean. The Left in its more practical embodiments used to be the champion of the working man. It fought for unions, good pay, benefits and job security. Conditions were horrible in America’s mines and factories. Things were ugly, and Leftists often got

Source: Fred Dworkin vs. the Sisterhood: Defending Women Against Bat-Brained Viragos | Fred On Everything