Now you know the USA was behind Kerch Strait Incident…

WASHINGTON (Sputnik) – The recent conflict between Russia and Ukraine in the Kerch Strait should serve as a reminder to European allies of the United States why the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline project is a “bad idea,” a senior State Department official told reporters in a press briefing on Tuesday. “I would say the Kerch incident is a reminder that the less infrastructure you have, the less gas infrastructure you have bypassing Ukraine because of Nord Stream 2, the weaker the deterrent – deterrence is to Ru

Source: State Dept Says Kerch Incident Should Remind EU Why Nord Stream 2 ‘a Bad Idea’ – Sputnik International

Just reverse what is said and you understand the reason that Europe needs an alternate to Ukraine for stable gas deliveries…

Ukraine you are being used and abused…

Wake up people…


Again, I would like to thank you for the donations…

As always I do not list who donates and will keep it that way, unless you would specifically tell me to, “Tell the world I donated!”

Then I will just keep it like it is…

This site is strictly driven by readers donations and it takes hundreds of dollars a year just to keep the basics going…

I will not spout about how I need money and will die and fall in in it, if I do not get that dollar!

But it helps and that is a good thing. In Moscow my finances are less exacting, compared to the Tiny Russian Village. Next year, I will be back in TRV and will need more help…

People have been very generous and even our car Sammy the Volga benefited from donations. Boza in his last years benefited greatly from many peoples generous donations for his eye medicine and such…

But, every dollar right now goes to keeping the domain online. Yes I still have the money donated for a 4X4 to use in the Tiny Russian Village. This is an important purchase that will happen one day….right now we are trying to get another village home (paper work) done and then come spring, I will have tons of work to do…

Winter is rough in Russia and it kinda shuts everything down for months…

Thank you very much for the donations and remember a dollar $ is sufficient. People work hard for their money…


PS: It takes exceedingly crazy amounts of “cup of joes” to keep this site confounding those trying to sway our sovereignty. If interested think of a number and donate. Coffee is what fuels WtR… Thanks

This is Russia – 5

Walking early morning, before the world gets up…

It is so wonderful as the snow falls and maybe I will take another picture at this spot a month from now. The snow will not disappear and will just get deeper and deeper…

This is Russia…


I thought the US was now a net oil exporter

Paint thinner, whale oil, black seed oil, or gasoline maybe even coconut oil??? I dunno, do you?

I thought the US was now a net oil exporter?

I assumed that meant we (America) produced enough oil to take care of ourselves….but we have to buy still half our oil. We either are an exporter, because we have excess or we are an importer, due to we do not produce enough…

Which one is it?

Neither! And that’s the problem…

The US consumes just short of 20 million barrels of oil per day. Recent figures show the US produced a record 11 million barrels per day. Do the math. The intentionally uninformed like to claim the US is energy independent because we produce more energy than we need, fail to realize and or care that figure includes all or most forms of energy such as coal and gas which a lot of gets exported. To the detriment of our own people in price and availability…

Canada supplies 40% of our oil. Saudis 9% with smidgens from dozens of other countries. The rest that we use is home grown. In 2017, the United States imported approximately 10.14 million barrels per day (MMb/d) of petroleum from about 84 countries…

So it seems to me that if we had our act together, we would be self-sufficient, with the exception of minor needs for different blends of oils from the world…

Thus, I seem to miss the boat with understanding. We do not produce more than we need. We produce about half. But we sell a bunch to the rest of the world and then buy from other countries, because we sell all of our oil, gas and such….We seem to relish in the fact that we sell our production of gas and oil and then turn around and buy it all back, because we would not have anything to run our country on…

Kinda seems to be stupid is as stupid does….twist it how you want, but playing with numbers to achieve a result that makes people happy to look at, is not the answer….GDP is part of the game and it is false GDP…

We still import a gosh darn bunch of oil…


Wow, I really found the original pre-DDoS DHS attack: WtR Template

I finally found the complete template. Not pieces and scarps, but the original template that I created. It just fits like a glove and I had to smile. I updated it and installed some protection corrections and maybe just maybe, DHS (Department of Homeland Security in the US) will leave me alone. I am really tired of being threatened by DHS, TSA, DC and several other alphabet letter wannabes.

Attack: said “The Killer DHS and TSA”

Battleing denial-of-service attack (DoS attack) against Windows to Russia from my own Homeland…

Therefore, I am glad to see the actual original, most favorite template of mine. We have been running on a very light weight, yet ugly template. It was really good at resisting attacks and so I kept it awhile. But, I found my Grumpy Bear Template…