The Moscow Planetarium Lives…

This podcast above is about the Moscow Planetarium. It is from The Voice of Russia. I did several articles several years ago and as always, I am looking for follow up information on past articles…

The Moscow Planetarium was almost a goner and by a miracle has survived the test of time and has been scheduled for reopening on April 12, 2011. As my past posts pointed to. The Planetarium was in a struggle for the real estate. It seems that it was sitting on prime real estate and people wanted to get rid of a real land mark for future development. Thank goodness the Planetarium won…

There has been other not so lucky landmarks that have fallen to the ravages of greed. Such as “The Soviet Toy Store”…

All my life I have watched the past be destroyed in the name of the all mighty dollar. We need to preserve the past because  the past is the gateway to the future…