Russians have a place to sound off now: Compliments of Medvedev…

President Medvedev’s supporters from Russia’s Big Government launched a new site late Friday -Rossiyabezdurakov.rf. (Russia without fools) where visitors can report any absurd or simply stupid bureaucratic decisions… http://россиябездураков.рф/ is the site. If you are English speaking and wish to see what it is about, use Google translation. I tried it to see if the

“The Internet is freer in Russia than in the West!”: says Communications Minister Igor Shchyogolev

MOSCOW, January 20 (Itar-Tass) — No Internet censorship will be imposed in Russia, Communications Minister Igor Shchyogolev assured in his article published in the Vedomosti newspaper site on Friday. In the article, he commented on the scandal bill under consideration in the United States on protection of intellectual property in the Internet (SOPA). Major Internet

Pirate Party of Russia: Anti-piracy bills in the U.S. – jeopardizes Russia’s internet-dependent democracy…

Russia’s tiny but vocal Pirate Party joined on Wednesday in the global campaign against anti-piracy bills in the U.S. Congress that it says will jeopardize Russia’s emerging internet-dependent democracy and infringe on internet freedom… “If these bills are adopted, U.S. judges would get the legal right to block the Russian social network Vkontakte as internet