Moscow we go…

Time to pack the bags and get on home to Moscow. Boza has a doctor to visit, I have to leave Russia and Svetochka is taking time off to watch Boza while I am gone. Boza will be happy to have her waiting on him hand and foot. Boza just loves his Svetochka… Then after

US Intelligence tries to stop the advancements of the Syrian Army… (Update)

US Intelligence tries, tried, attempted and failed big time in their attempt to stop the advancements of the Syrian Army…. And 29 Russians were the spoils to garner of that attack… [contentcards url=”″] The Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov confirmed that Tuesday’s attack launched by Al Nusra Front/East Turkestan Islamic Party terrorists in the midst of


Such a simple word! “Words” has a meaning deeper than we seem to realize. Words; a single distinct meaningful element of speech or writing, used with others (or sometimes alone) to form a sentence and typically shown with a space on either side when written or printed. See simple and useful… But… Many years ago,

America has attacked Russia: US Secret Services’ Tried to Capture 29 Russian Troops in Syria…

Damn Fools and more Damn Fools… “According to our intelligence data, the offensive was instigated by the US security services to stop the successful advance of the government forces to the east of the [city of] Deir ez-Zor,” the Russian Defense Ministry said in a statement, commenting on the incident. I doubt you will

Nikki Haley Meltdown: Assad Must Go…and War With North Korea! There must be something about being named US Ambassador to the UN that brings out the inner mass murderer in people. Madeline Albright famously admitted that she thought 500,000 dead Iraqi children due to US sanctions was “worth it.” John Bolton never met a disagreement he didn’t want to turn into a war. Samantha