2:30 a.m. and Boza heard me stir… That was enough for him to pop out from under Sveta’s side of the bed and wiggle his butt as his tail wagged so hard, you would have thought it would fall off. How can you resist such a happy boy? Therefore, I growled and grumbled, then I […]
I believe and think that the excessive debt and budget deficits of Western countries, along with their irresponsibility when it comes to money and fiscal policies, are a threat to the whole world economy. This fiscal foolery will come to a head one day… Also no one is being held accountable in the West as […]
Russian Journo Kiselyev Roasts Crooked Hillary on Putin’s Manspreading, I mean sitting like a man… Do not be drinking coffee at the computer when watching this….or any beverage for that matter… Hillary is a worthless acknowledged panderer… WtR
Grab a cup of coffee and or tea as in a bunch of the world… In the city as I walk Boza, Boza and I see pigeon homes everywhere. Why even Vova in the Tiny Russian Village has a home for pigeons. Pigeons are very important to Russians… It is autumn and time for the […]
My very tough and successful phone is a Wileyfox Swift 2 Plus. I jimmied rigged a case for it and have been very happy for a very long time now. I took a side flip case and chopped it up and created a bottom flip phone case. Ugly, but it works and I am happy… […]
Korolov is about 200,000 people. It is located just outside of Moscow, but is actually a small area of the whole mess called Moscow Region… Moscow has about 15,000,000 people, including immigrants who are never counted…. The day time during the week is more like 20,000,000 people as they all pour into Moscow from the […]
Russia has made smart changes economically due to sanctions, before sanctions Russia was growing at 4% and flying along, then America illegally imposed sanctions over falsification of facts. Now we see Russia with a debt to GDP ratio of around 12% (USA 107%, UK 85% and Italy 133%), Russia has bought more Gold than any […]
I see confusion growing in emails and comments, as to why would Turkey wanna hate us sweet lovable Americans? [contentcards url=”https://www.nytimes.com/2016/08/03/world/europe/turkey-coup-erdogan-fethullah-gulen-united-states.html”] Bottom line is: America tried to other throw Erdogan and his government in Turkey. Therefore, with a simple role of the dice to see which countries sandbox the bully USA should play in, was […]
It is a sickness to obsess with one subject so much… (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) [contentcards url=”https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2017/oct/2/russian-interference-seen-catalonia-crisis/”] “Russian propagandists scored a victory in Spain this weekend after ‘boldly injecting fake news and disinformation’ into the debate over Catalonian independence and seemingly influencing the election results,” the Washington Post’s Dan Boylan wrote, citing “U.S. information warfare experts.” […]
Everyday we step closer to the abyss, as it sings its siren song to induce and lull us within its depths… [contentcards url=”https://www.fara.gov/”] This week, during a session of the Russian Federation Council’s Interim Committee on the Protection of Sovereignty, RT’s Editor-in-Chief Margarita Simonyan explained that according to the channel’s lawyers, the US branch staff could face […]