Генсек НАТО рубанул, что Украина победит как суверенное независимое государство. Но ничего не сказал о её территориальной целостности. Типа победит, но, видимо, в новых, сильно урезанных границах своей независимости, и вся такая суверенная сядет за стол переговоров. Это уже прогресс. А постоянный регресс в том, что наглые натовские выскочки всегда легко забывают о совершённых их […]
Assalamu alaikum, friends! The Pope called the Chechens and Buryats the most cruel in the Russian army. I could spitefully recall the Inquisition, the Crusades, or even mention the real brutal footage taken by Bandera scum, the recent executions of unarmed Russian soldiers, but I’d rather tell you about what every Chechen is guided by, […]
Unintended Consequences… “Unintended consequences” = we have no idea what we’re doing! WtR
29.11.2022 (18:30) Air defence units prevent enemy air attacks within exercises in Volga region The Borisoglebsk-2 and other electronic warfare systems successfully practised detecting control signals and suppressing detected radio channels in order to disable the drones. 29.11.2022 (14:10) Russian Defence Ministry report on the progress of the special military operation in Ukraine (29 November […]
I mean it is as if they have gone “Bat Shit Crazy”… You sow stupid and reap imbecilic offspring and end up a look and acting like a moron! Then evil has it way with you… WtR
And we allow them to screw up our lives… Hmm… WtR
It seems that the marriage between the USA and Europe has every chance of ending in a dirty scandal and a dreary division of jointly acquired property. The reason is a clear economic infidelity, and sometimes even a demonstrative refusal to fulfill the “conjugal duty.” The alpha male Pindostan, despite all his oaths of fidelity, […]
28.11.2022 (10:30) Mobilised servicemen attend intensive combat training in Kostroma region After the end of the training, the mobilised personnel are to be sent to the rear area of the defense forces to undergo a combat cohesion as part of larger units. 28.11.2022 (06:00) 2S3 Akatsiya self-propelled howitzer crews of SMD defeated AFU observation post […]
27.11.2022 (14:45) Russian Defence Ministry report on the progress of the special military operation in Ukraine (27 November 2022) Russian Federation Armed Forces continue the special military operation. As a result of a Russian Aerospace Forces’ high-precision weapons hitting on the temporary deployment locations of the so-called Foreign Legion fighters, up to 100 foreign mercenaries […]
They just want someone else to be blamed! Try that stupid logic and that logic is prevalent in the West for almost everything it does… WtR