Additionally, there should be not be a requirement for a plea agreement because instead, Assange deserves sovereignty in the UK as well as immunity from extradition to and incarceration in the US as a reward for his organization’s mission of publicizing the truth about the latter country. – kKEETON…

So even if true that USA expresses a Assange plea deal is possible?

Never trust a two faced, forked tongued and Satanic Country…


The USA lies so much, the only truth about this will come from North Korea (Private Travis King)…

Private Travis King…

Interesting and we will keep watching as I have been doing since the moment he crossed the NK border…

Just remember there is two sides to this and one side is a proven falsifier of truth and it is not North Korea. That also means that Private Travis King is in the lying side to start with and that is where NK will have to deal with the situation and use it as they can…


Medvedev on latest NATO spouting and maybe Lviv is that good capital for Ukraine…

A new idea for Ukraine from the office of the North Atlantic Alliance:
Ukraine can join NATO if it gives up the disputed territories.

And what? The idea is curious. The only question is that all allegedly their territories are highly controversial. And in order to enter the bloc, the Kyiv authorities will have to give up even Kyiv itself, the capital of Ancient Rus’.

Well, they will have to move the capital to Lviv. Unless, of course, the psheks agree to leave Lemberg to lovers of bacon with coke.



Medvedev on Yandex…

Yandex is a western based search engine. Thus Medvedev, as I have garnered many years ago, Yandex sucks and is far from loyal to anything but dollars. By the way, Mail.RU is the same…

I don’t understand in any way whether Yandex is a company loyal to Russia or not. I decided to test the application in the field of AI “Masterpiece”. Generate a picture. I entered into the program, “Russian with a machine gun in his hands.” AI doesn’t want to! (It) Contradicts, they say, the application policy.

And now I don’t know if it’s good or bad. On the one hand, it’s kind of bad. Like Russians are aggressors and barbarians, so you can’t draw them with a machine gun. On the other hand, it’s fine. We will give good ones to any jerk, and the enemies, it turns out, are not even able to hold a machine gun.
