As Monty Python would say, “It’s just a flesh wound.”

Ukraine has 400,000 deaths and nearly 2,000,000 wounded soldiers, its military is broken!

Black Knight: None shall pass.

Black Knight: ‘Tis but a scratch.

Black Knight: It’s just a flesh wound.

Except we get to watch this for real as Ukraine is waiting for its last leg to be chopped off…

Seems fitting for the circumstances…

But the Ukraine women in Kiev are all partying like it’s 1984…


Western based fact and info websites and think tanks…

Just substitute the phrases “US Controlled” for terms like “International,” “the World,” and “Global” to get a sense of what these organizations really are…

For those sane nations wishing to exist outside the US’s sphere of influence, all such institutions must be abandoned and rebuilt. – kKEETON

Time to wake up and read some real news…