It’s convenient to be Russia…

And yesterday, there, without all this western bull international consultation on the topic of “dos” and “nots” that the West is acting like war is a game and we must play it so sneaky. At the Yavorovsky training ground in the Lvov, Ukraine region with a Dagger – Kaboom!

And three hundred Nazis, mostly foreign scums, suddenly turned into worm food. ..

No acting like a fool was necessary and the decision to kill Nazis is always a sure bet in life…

It’s convenient to be Russia…


Why are American politicians going to Israel and signing bombs? (Yes it seems to be a PR Fad right now.)

Nikki Haley, former US Ambassador to the UN, signs Israeli bombs intended for use in Gaza and Lebanon with the words “FINISH THEM,” signaling support for their use in targeting civilians.

Nikki Haley signed not just the normal shells being fired at Gaza, but look, the banned white phosphorus shells, code D528. To the left of the image…

This is the second person desired for the Republicans after Trump, simply amazing and sick…

Why are American politicians going to Israel and signing bombs?

Think people and realize what you are facing…




It has become very obvious…

Both Haley and Trump (whom both seem attached in the news lately) are on the same processes and mindset regarding Israel…

They value their “Israeli Citizenship blessings” more than they do their American Citizenship…

Oh, so many USA politicians seem & are blessed by Israel…