Why does East buy so much gold?

Helping neutralize the dying dollar…

This is why Russia, China and the rest of the intelligent world is buying gold. They recognize the Dow crazy  peak numbers and wild rise is merely masking the depreciation and death of the dollar…


Russian ships in and about the Caribbean?

The fact that the fleet will continue to conduct a series of tactics in the Caribbean after their stay in Havana, Cuba and where later they will be joined by various other Russian Navy vessels. This situation is to last until The Empire of Lies and Chaos gets it’s act more or less together, they will stay in these waters fully armed with nukes. Why?

In case some American whom is batshit crazy, as so many are in America, has “delusions of grandeur”…

Oh so many who fit that bill in America. Gonna be an interesting rest of the year and then we have new White House Monkey Shine * to deal with…


* – mischief, buffoonery, tomfoolery, monkeyism, shenanigan

I will say it, talking about Starbucks and no they can keep their nasty liberal ideas in the West…

Most foreign companies have remained in Russia and continue to operate.

Some foreign enterprises that left our market 2 years ago are today trying to return.

As an example, an American chain of coffee shops filed applications for trademark registration with Rospatent, which makes it possible to operate in Russia under a familiar brand.

Did you know Starbucks Coffee is begging to come back to Russia?

In 2021, the revenue of this company in our country exceeded 5 billion rubles .

When it left the Russian market, its leadership spoke loudly about its “mission and values”, as well as plans to channel its earnings to the Kyiv regime.

In our country they are not needed with such values ​​and statements.

And those who remain to work in Russia have every opportunity to develop.

Anyone who, under pressure from Washington and Brussels, gave in and left, but now would like to return, can try to do this. But it won’t be easy. Russian business has successfully adapted to new conditions, and domestic entrepreneurs have filled the vacated niches.

But those who, leaving our country, made anti-Russian statements and used funds received from us against Russia and its citizens, must understand:
This is not possible, we are not expecting them back.

It is necessary to develop and support domestic producers, to work with those who do not politicize business and do not dance to the tune of their overseas masters.

Russian Duma


And besides the coffee sucks at Starbucks…


Against Israeli illegal occupation of Gaza. (244 days of war)…


Amid Israel’s genocidal war on Gaza, which has killed more than 36,654 Palestinians so far, including more than 16,000 children, resistance groups in Palestine and across the region continue their operations against the Tel Aviv regime and its Western backers. (Read More Link Above and they update the link with new info.)


Oops, USA pushed too far and now must embrace payback. – kKEETON..

Something big is coming…

I made it clear in multiple posts that Russia is getting fed up and now that Putin has expressed that maybe???, which actually means, it is done and they are in place around the world…

Medvedev on – “let “sensitive objects of the states supplying weapons to Kyiv” burn in hellish flames”…

Thus, you also must understand that…

There is things that you can’t imagine still waiting to be brought forth and Russia has warned the West many times…

Hmm…sometimes I wonder how much longer we all have?

I said a year ago…

It’s high time Russia began to undermine USA allies and USA installations, wherever they may be. More unbalancing is required of the USA and NATO. – kKEETON…

It is totally up to how deranged, sick and crazy the West gets. For it is all in the Western corner and only way to stop it all is the West stops or the West is destroyed…

For when Mother Russia decides to wield Her sword in anger, there will be many who will wish that they were never born!