Looks like the Western press is up to their games again. They are rolling out the Russia is starting to come around act, then they will whine and cry when Russia says “Stick It!” Well Russia is learning about this press game and now they already have responded with their issues at the very same […]
RBC, 11.07.2008, Moscow 15:59:15.The Russian government is discussing the possibility of acquiring Oman’s stake in the Caspian Pipeline Consortium (CPC), Igor Sechin told journalists today. He added that Russia had already made a proposal and that the matter was currently under discussion. RBC, 11.07.2008, Moscow 15:17:05.Russia’s Federation Council Speaker Sergei Mironov approves of the idea […]
Hello, I found that I understood the whole slide show. I think that it makes sense….I only saw one picture that confused me. The one with plate and silverware, seems that it was backwards. What about you? Kyle & Svet comments always welcome.
A Russian ship which sank in 1771 off the coast of Finland is to be raised out of the water. It is said to be carrying works of art bought by the Russian empress, Catherine the Great, in Amsterdam. The ship’s cargo contained around 300 works of art, including paintings by Rembrandt, as well as […]
Hey Everyone, I was drinking my morning cup of wonderful coffee here in Russia and thinking about Part 3 of my Visa Trip to Ukraine. As you know Part 2 left me less than enchanted with the police of Ukraine and at that point I had decided to get some rest and start the new […]
Russian war ships sail for Georgia from Russiatoday.ru A section of Russia’s Black Sea Fleet is on its way to the Georgian coastline, according the Navy. The task force includes a missile cruiser. The Russian military says the fleet is not part of a blockading mission, but taking part in an operation to help refugees.
Lets look at a video and touch on the subject of history: This history is about “The Winter War” on November 30, 1939, the Soviet Union invaded Finland. It was a war Russia would rather forget, while Finland wants to keep the memory alive. Finns are commemorating the 70th anniversary of the start of the […]
Hello, Reserves were formerly held only in gold, as official gold reserves. But under the Bretton Woods system, the United States pegged the dollar to gold, and allowed convertibility of dollars to gold. This effectively made dollars appear as good as gold. The U.S. later abandoned the gold standard, but the dollar has remained relatively […]