As you all know I have followed this poor freighter from the beginning and now we seem to have at least a light at the end of the tunnel. It looks like the men can come home finally, that have been imprisoned (so to speak) on the vessel for a long time. Russia has lifted […]
This is a great video and I wish it was in English. (The video that I found in English was terrible.) So lets watch a video about an off road race that included a few tanks. These tanks were hand built from spare parts (don’t ask what parts) and were very underpowered. They are not […]
Lapsha is Russian for noodles. Traditionally, the noodles are cooked right before adding them to the soup. This is a delicious soup that has more variations then you could count. Everyone has a secrete recipe that is handed down from Grandma. My recipe comes from my collection and this soup was used at many of […]