On the anniversary of the financial meltdown, RT spoke to Gerald Celente, the founder of economic forecasters the Trends Research Institute, who predicted the crisis in early 2008. Gerald says, “There is no recovery from the crises!” I listen to what he has to say and so far he is right and what he has […]
Hello, I walk the dog everyday 3 to 4 times because the dog needs it and I need it for my heart. If you read our blog, then you know that I like to post pictures of my walks with the dog (Boza). So today is no different and I thought that I would show […]
The Western press have gone bananas over a statement that Putin made at the Valdai Discussion Club. I would expect the Russian press to do this but I really expect the main Western press to use reliable sources and not scrounge in the dirt for things… So here I printed the real story…
“Initially, GM had serious reservations about Magna’s offer and seemed to favor a rival bid by the Belgian-based investor, RHJ International. One GM official said RHJ’s offer was “simple and elegant.” In particular, GM was uncomfortable with a Russian company getting its hands on Opel’s technical expertise and patents!“ So the truth comes out and […]
Please remember the dead at this tragic event and do not allow our memories to become like the government bureaucracy that has mired this project into oblivion.