Cool about that we got thinking about the Moon!

First video, is the landing. They say soft, but you will see it kinda smack down at the end. But all is well if everything works. And it does…

China releases panoramic photos of Moon’s far side taken by Chang’e-4 probe…
Yutu-2 rolls across the surface…


Congratulations China!


The Schizophrenia West, lead by the U.S. | Windows to Russia

God help the world for we really need his help right now, as the U.S. and the E.U. play the most deadly game in history. For never has so much firepower been available to deal with sick and schizophrenia countries. For as we all know that there is just not enough medicine and therapy to stabilize the U.S.

Source: The Schizophrenia West, lead by the U.S. | Windows to Russia

Old New Year in Russia: January 14th…


Старый Новый Год

January 14th is the Old New Year! I told you we have lots of holidays and now we get another New Year. This is the New Year that comes after the Real Christmas as the Orthodox say! 🙂

So Happy New Year: The fireworks will be flying tonight!

It is New Years Eve you know?


Now this is pretty damn accurate…

Why US (yes us) Bully?

The children in the world playground are getting tired of the child bully, called the USA!

Myself: I think terrorism is definitely a US foreign policy. (I.e.) Id Est, being a bully to get what you want sounds like terrorism to me…

We seem to be excelling in Terrorism 101…


Best time for store in Moscow… o’clock a.m…

With so much humanity concentrated in such a small area, I have learned to try to shop early. Mainly groceries…

Thus when I go out to walk and see the world. This is what I see, instead of 10,000,000 people and cars all jostling for space in the city. This country boy knows how to survive… 😉

I also love this next picture…

Just buy your contacts that you want. If you know your prescription then just buy them. If you don’t know your prescription? Buy them anyway!

It is the Russian way of life. You stupid and buy the wrong stuff, then you are stupid and no one else has to suffer from your stupidity. Other words, lawsuits are basically non-existent and things like machines to sell (not a -) prescriptions like this are a product of a life that is free of lawsuit harassment…

Unlike in America, Russians are still held accountable for their stupidity acts and no one is a scapegoat for your actions…

Granted you should go and get a eye examine to see what prescription you need, but still, if you are stupid, you are stupid and it is (prescription) not required to buy contacts… (Just like any and or all my heart/diabetes medicines are non prescription…)

As Svetochka would say, “That is just right!”


PS: Lots of stuff can be bought this way in Russia. It makes life a whole bunch easier…