‘Miracle’ Baby Conscious After Being Found Alive in Russia Blast

The little one made it… 🙂

An infant pulled out of the rubble alive has regained consciousness a week after an explosion sent a section of an apartment block crashing in the industrial city of Magnitogorsk, Russia’s top health official said Monday. The infant, between 10 and 11 months old according to various reports, was found with a frostbitten leg and a head injury on New Year’s Day after 35 hours spent in the freezing cold. The pre-dawn Dec. 31 blast, believed to be caused by a gas leak, killed 39 residents of the Soviet-era a

Source: ‘Miracle’ Baby Conscious After Being Found Alive in Russia Blast

We all wondered if he was going to make it…

Sometimes, it is not our time to go…

He had frost bite and they say they can save his leg and they say he will be fine. The mom and dad survived also…

39 died from the incident, but many lived, thus it could have been worse….still…it should not happen at all…


Just walking Moscow…

Svetochka taking pictures again. It is what she loves to do and is good at it…

Enjoy….it is Moscow, Russia…


Svetochka and I walked to get my test strips for sugar…

Still New Year here…

Had to walk across town to get more test strips for my sugar tester. Diabetes is no fun, but you don’t need fun all the time to have a good life. Right?

About -12 below zero and lots of people were out walking everywhere. It was a good walk, we even took a short bus ride to make life more interesting. We ended up at Globus and ate dinner there. Good stuff… (We walked about 8 kilometers total.)

The tester I use has very limited places to get test strips in Moscow. In the tiny Russian Village no issue to get these strips, but as with some particular items, Moscow has regulations imposed upon certain things. Mainly political/money issues that do not rear their head in the rest of Russia…

I have said many times, “Moscow is not Russia!”

You have Russia then you have Moscow and the two do not mix all the time….it is interesting to watch and see and deal with….perfect example is these test strips; They are normal stock in the villages, but in Moscow there is literally only one place to get them and no one else will carry them and or care to carry them. We are lucky that the one spot is close by…

This same type of issue applies to milk, soda, coffee and to make it clear, just about any food items, drugs, tools and well anything…

I got use to certain items and found no issues in the villages with getting certain drugs and stuff. Once I came to Moscow again. I found that I had to change things, because items are not sold in Moscow that are sold in the villages. This expands to the Moscow area also…

We have some favorite soft drinks/lemonade available in the Russian small villages and it is unavailable in Moscow… 🙁

We have fantastic sterilized milk that comes from Ryazan, Russia and you could not find it for your life in Moscow, Russia but, I can find it all over the rest of Russia otherwise. Moscow milk is not up to the quality that villagers take for granted and Svetochka and I will buy cases of milk to have in Moscow. The milk from Ryazan is that good…

Why is this? Dunno, don’t care, Moscow’s loss, is how I look at it…

We got our strips and ordered 10 more boxes w/100 strips each and they will call when they get in. Time to stock up….by the way, the strips I use are extremely good quality at a extremely good cheap price. The meter was reading almost perfect to what the doctors came up with as they tested my blood sugar levels themselves recently. I cannot say that about all other meters I have used in the past…

I miss the Tiny Russian Village. Image above reminds me, I have to rebuild the stove this next summer… 😉


It is all I can say or think about the USA this morning…

Trump Tweets and this happens. Trump goes on national TV and this happens. Trump does any damn thing and this happens….unless he is killing and blowing up people in other countries….then it happens in happiness…

Same song for both occasions…,then as I remember the music….I remember Benny Hill…

Now that is perfect for the USA and her chaos…

Oh I miss Benny Hill and that fun show…

Now I can watch the USA show…