I talk about Russian Healthcare, it is wonderful…

For this cost, I can have all my parts replaced in Russia…

I am a user of the healthcare system available in Russia. I have to pay, since I am not a citizen, but I use the same healthcare that everyone else has available. Just costs me money…

2300 rubles is what I paid to have a “Carotid Ultrasound Doppler” – 2300 rubles is $34 to $35 right now. No….not $340 to $350, but $34 to $35 dollars not rubles…


I realize that some of you have insurance and the insurance absorbs most if not all the cost. I do not have insurance, insurance does not absorb any cost. I have to pay for it out of pocket. I have no reimbursement for any spending on healthcare and I use a place that actually costs me more than many other doctor offices. I use who I trust and like…

When the high cost is as cheap as I see it, why try to save a few hundred rubles, it is my life you know?

Below is the results. Yes in Russia all results are given immediately and are your possession to do with as you want… Neat concept, huh?

The specialist was, well, a highly trained specialist and she was very good. She as almost all doctors in Russia, well, is a she, not a he…. 😉 Women rule the medical field in Russia…

I have a tiny tiny spot of plaque in the right side neck artery (Thank god for small favors! I was starting to worry…) Otherwise, my neck is open and free flowing. Now I go to a Cardiologist to find out what else I need to do. I am having some angina issues and they are effecting my neck… Sucks to have my heart issues at times…

It is time to have a complete checkup and find out if I will live another few days… 😉


Joint Statement on U.S.-Ukraine Strategic Partnership

Here is the groundwork for the latest escapades in the Kerch Strait….and yes America was front and center…

U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Ukrainian Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin

The text of the following statement was released by the Governments of the United States of America and Ukraine on the occasion of the 2018 U.S.-Ukraine Strategic Partnership Commission Meeting in Washington, DC. Media Note: Office of the Spokesperson, Washington, DC, November 16, 2018…

Begin text:

U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Ukrainian Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin met November 16, 2018, in Washington, D.C., to hold a plenary session of the U.S.-Ukraine Strategic Partnership Commission. The plenary meeting marked the tenth anniversary of the U.S.–Ukraine Charter on Strategic Partnership, a document that enshrines the principles upon which the relationship between our two democracies is based. The plenary was also an opportunity to work toward implementation of the goals for the U.S.-Ukrainian relationship as outlined by Presidents Trump and Poroshenko during their previous bilateral meetings.

During the 2014 Revolution of Dignity, the Ukrainian people voiced their desire to live in a modern, democratic, European state, free from corruption and foreign control. Since the Revolution, the United States has provided over $2.8 billion in assistance and three $1 billion loan guarantees to help Ukraine defend its territory and implement key reforms. The United States remains steadfast in its support for Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity within its internationally recognized borders.

Secretary Pompeo and Foreign Minister Klimkin reiterated that cooperation between the United States and Ukraine is based on common interests and shared values, including support for democracy, economic freedom and prosperity, sovereignty and territorial integrity, energy security, and respect for human rights and the rule of law. They decided to create three new bilateral working groups focused on Security and Countering Russian Aggression; Rule of Law and Humanitarian Issues; and Economy and Energy. These groups will meet regularly to discuss areas of mutual concern and advance joint objectives. The 2018 Strategic Partnership Commission’s meeting featured inaugural sessions of each working group.

Security and Countering Russian Aggression

The two sides underscored the need to continue building Ukraine’s resilience in the face of Russian aggression, reaffirmed the importance of the Minsk agreements in ending Russia’s aggression, and highlighted the need to restore Ukrainian control over the Ukrainian territories temporarily occupied or controlled by Russia – Crimea and the Donetsk and Luhansk regions.

Both sides decided that a robust UN-mandated international security force in the areas of Donbas controlled by Russia, including the Ukraine-Russia international border, would create the necessary security conditions for the full implementation of the Minsk Agreements.

The United States reiterated its commitment to Secretary Pompeo’s July 25 Declaration on the non-recognition of Russia’s purported annexation of Crimea.

The United States condemned Russia’s aggressive actions against international shipping transiting the Black Sea, the Sea of Azov and the Kerch Strait to Ukrainian ports. Both sides underscored that Russia’s aggressive activities in the Sea of Azov have brought new security, economic, social, and environmental threats to the entire Azov-Black Sea region.

The United States confirmed its commitment to maintain sanctions against Russia related to its aggression against Ukraine until Russia fully implements the Minsk agreements and returns Crimea to Ukrainian control.

The United States welcomed Ukraine’s prolongation of the law on special order of self-government in certain areas of Donetsk and Luhansk regions on October 4, highlighted the many steps Ukraine has taken to implement the Minsk agreements, and called on Russia to fulfill its commitments under the agreements. The United States and Ukraine demanded the immediate release of all Ukrainian political prisoners unjustly held in Russia and the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine, including Oleg Sentsov, Oleksandr Kolchenko, Volodymyr Balukh, Server Mustafaiev, Emir-Usein Kuku, and many others.

The two sides condemned the illegal so-called “elections” in Russia-controlled Donbas on November 11. The sides reiterated these sham elections, orchestrated by Russia, contravene Russia’s commitments under the Minsk agreements and flout UNSC Resolution 2202 (2015).

Both sides noted with satisfaction that robust security cooperation would continue in 2019, including assistance to counter Russian election meddling, joint training exercises, and cybersecurity cooperation.

The parties decided to further strengthen military-technical cooperation and welcomed the U.S. provision of military assistance, which will help build Ukraine’s long-term defensive capacity.

The United States and Ukraine confirmed the importance of the Budapest Memorandum of December 5, 1994, and called on Russia to fulfill its previous commitments to respect Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity within its internationally recognized borders.

Ukraine reaffirmed that becoming a NATO member remains its strategic priority, as recently enshrined in its legislation. The United States welcomed Ukraine’s NATO aspirations, reaffirmed by the 2008 Bucharest Declaration, and looked forward to one day welcoming Ukraine into the Alliance. The United States reiterated its support for Ukrainian efforts to implement the security reforms detailed in the Law on National Security, and commended Ukraine’s continuing contribution to international peace and security operations throughout the globe.

Rule of Law and Humanitarian Issues

The United States and Ukraine underscored that securing Ukraine’s European future and safeguarding the country from Russian malign influences requires continued reform and strong democratic institutions, in particular a free press, vibrant civil society, and an independent judiciary delivering impartial justice.

Ukraine committed to further strengthen its democratic institutions, in particular by conducting free, fair, and secure 2019 presidential and parliamentary elections in accordance with international standards, and welcomed international support.

The United States commended Ukraine’s commitment to pursue further comprehensive judicial and law enforcement reform, necessary to strengthen the rule of law in Ukraine. The United States commended Ukraine for adopting a law to establish an independent anti-corruption court that encompasses recommendations of the IMF and other international partners of Ukraine. Ukraine reaffirmed its commitment to establishing a fully functioning independent High Anti-Corruption Court and to protecting anti-corruption institutions.

Both sides highlighted the need to increase civilians’ freedom of movement and improve access to government services and humanitarian assistance for Ukrainians affected by Russian aggression, including Ukrainians residing in territories temporarily controlled or occupied by Russia. The United States commended Ukraine’s efforts to provide for the needs of IDPs, though both sides concurred that more work remains. The sides emphasized that the rights of all Ukrainians must be equally guaranteed. The United States and Ukraine also discussed actions on combatting trafficking in persons.

Economy and Energy

The United States reaffirmed its commitment to partner with Ukraine to develop a free and prosperous economy. The United States expressed support for the many economic reforms Ukraine has undertaken, and encouraged further reform and cooperation with the IMF and other partners to achieve strong, sustainable, and inclusive economic growth. The United States and Ukraine underlined the importance of the work of the U.S.-Ukraine Trade and Investment Council to increase bilateral trade and investments by eliminating existing trade barriers and improving the regulatory environment and business climate.

Both sides intend to continue work together aimed at developing and reforming Ukraine’s energy sector to enhance Ukraine’s economy and security. Ukraine underscored its intention to expand domestic oil and gas production, unbundle the gas transit system, and welcomed the involvement of U.S. companies in these efforts, as well as in programs aimed at increasing energy efficiency. Both sides also underscored the need for continued gas transit through Ukraine, and emphasized their opposition to energy projects that threaten European energy diversity and security. In particular, the United States and Ukraine stressed the importance of continued coordination to stop proposed Russian pipelines that would hurt Ukraine’s economic and strategic stability, such as Nord Stream 2 and the second line of TurkStream.

Secretary Pompeo and Minister Klimkin look forward to further strengthening the partnership between the United States and Ukraine and decided to convene the next session of the Strategic Partnership Commission in Kyiv, Ukraine.

End text.

Source: Joint Statement on U.S.-Ukraine Strategic Partnership

Hope you enjoyed the truth?

Wake up people….seems strange that things like this always happen after meetings such as this… Duh!


Ukraine, The Gift that keeps on Giving…

Poroshenko behaving like Saakashvili. Two puppets that think and act like idiots…

UNITED NATIONS (Sputnik) – Russia requested an urgent meeting of UN Security Council members at 11 a.m. on Monday (16.00 GMT) to discuss the situation in the Sea of Azov, Russia’s First Deputy Envoy to UN, Dmitry Polyanskiy, told reporters. “In connection with the dangerous development of the situation in the Sea of Azov and the events that followed them, Russia requested an urgent convocation of an open meeting of the Security Council on the morning of November 26 under the agenda item ‘Maintenance of int

Source: Russia Requests Urgent UN Security Council Meeting Over Azov Sea Issue – Sputnik International

Lets see:

Ukraine the puppet goes looking for trouble…. ✔
Martial Law in Ukraine…. ✔
Ukraine failed state…. ✔
Syrian rebel’s gas debacle…. ✔
Rapid economic deterioration taking place in the west…. ✔
Iranian sanctions have failed…. ✔
Europe won’t back US sanctions…. ✔
China helping Venezuela…. ✔
China defying sanctions…. ✔
Riots in France…. ✔

One hundred + (more or less) reasons to start WW3…. ✔

My question is:

Couldn’t Ukraine/USA have waited until after Christmas/New Year to try to start shit?

Guess that is too much to ask for…

Ukraine doing some bad things right now…


PS: Remember: Poroshenko – A CIA militant coup installed him as president in Ukraine…

And remember that American media called for the bridges destruction…

Ukraine should blow up Putin’s Crimea bridge: Russian President Vladimir Putin opened the Kerch Strait Bridge connecting Crimea, Ukraine, with mainland Russia on Tuesday. Putin did so by in a typical show of bravado by leading a column of transport vehicles across the bridge.Ukraine should now destroy elements of the bridge.

Source: Ukraine should blow up Putin’s Crimea bridge

I would be watching out for the snakes in the water all the time, if I was Russia…

3 kilometer round trip for my water…

Interesting discovery happened (after coming back to Moscow) from the long term staying at the Tiny Russian Village…

I came from America and was use to the chlorine in the water. Just a fact that most water in America is chlorinated to make it safe to drink. In Moscow the same, it is chlorinated and I never could tell the difference when I came here to Russia…

Then I went to the Tiny Russian Village and discovered, as in my past life, well water is fantastic and chemical free….I got use to the Tiny Russian Village water and when I came back to Moscow, I got diarrhea, even when filtering the water and that is no fun…

This last trip to TRV is positive proof that chlorinated water causes me issues. I had the same issue in America, but it is hard to get away from chlorinated water, unless living in very rural areas. I always stayed so busy in life in America, I never sat down and thought about what it is that is causing me issues?

I go to TRV and no diarrhea, come home to Moscow and guess what? “diarrhea”! I must be sensitive to chlorine?

So we are buying water in five liter jugs and don’t tell Svetochka, but I am refilling those jugs to save money….she wants me to buy a new one each time. I just cannot. Too expensive and I am just too frugal…

Good thing I can read Russian, Huh!


Works perfect…

and at home…

Even well chilled on the -5 walk home…

I measured the trip and it is 2.9 kilometers round trip. That is good to walk and good for me….I have a million coins to use this way, at the machine and by golly, I will just carry water….like in the village…


My Beautiful Sweet Pea…

This is in the empty lake bed of our Tiny Russian Village lake. Svetochka and I were walking the dried lake bed and came near the edge of the lake. The grasses were tall and beautiful…

Svetochka loved the tall grasses as they whispered in the breeze…

I wonder what they were telling her?