Hmm, my money is on Alibaba…

Biggest days of two companies. One from America and one from China… (Different days, but both in the last few weeks. And it is the biggest sales of each company for a day like period.)

SAN FRANCISCO — Amazon: Safely back in their office cubicles, Americans let their fingers do the shopping Monday, racking up $6.59 billion in online sales by the end of the day. Cyber Monday topped out at a new online record, compared with Black Friday online sales of $5.03 billion, according to Adobe Analytics. That’s up from the previous record for Cyber Monday, which was last year’s $5.65 billion, a 16.8% increase.

Source: Cyber Monday: Biggest online shopping day in U.S. history pits Amazon vs. Walmart

Pretty good, pretty good. I wish I had that money to play with….yet…

But in China…

Alibaba on Sunday tore through last year’s Singles Day sales record, racking up more than $30.8 billion in the 24-hour shopping event. Gross merchandise value (GMV), a figure that shows sales across the Chinese e-commerce giant’s various shopping platforms, surpassed last year’s $25.3 billion record at around 5:34 p.m. SIN/HK (4:34 a.m. ET) on Sunday, and kept marching higher through the rest of the day.

Source: Alibaba sets a Singles Day record, beating Black Friday, and others

Svetochka and I tried to deal with Amazon and after being ripped off over some auto shocks that came defective, we will never again use that company. We shop Alibaba and or Aliexpress as we prefer and never have issues with quality and or returns…

Alibaba made some moolah, wouldn’t you say?

Interesting thing is all of Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales do not equal this one day with Alibaba, from what I understand is Black Friday sales at Alibaba are still bigger than Amazons sales and Black Friday is not a Chinese event…

You think Black Friday shopping in the U.S. is huge? Yes, it is, but it pales in comparison to China’s largest one-day shopping day, Singles Day, a day when single people in China get to celebrate their singleness. And, this year, on November 11, 2018, Singles Day sales reached $30 billion in one day on Alibaba’s platform. Yes, you read that right $30 billion with a “b”. By comparison, in 2017, online sales on the Black Friday weekend, which now starts on Thanksgiving and rolls right into Small Business Sat

Source: China’s Alibaba Singles Day Sales Beats Black Friday and Prime Day by a Mile

Last link for some more thinkings to the wise…


Perhaps Putin should “stand up” to Trump over the Mexican border mess?

Perhaps Putin should “stand up” to Trump over the Mexican border mess?

In light of the Russia-Ukraine standoff in the Kerch Strait, James Stavridis, a retired US Navy Admiral and former military commander of NATO, penned an article for Time to call on President Donald Trump to ‘strongly affirm’ US support for Kiev ‘in every dimension, including providing them with capable defensive armament’.

Source: Ex-NATO Commander Calls on Trump to ‘Stand Up’ to Putin Over Kerch Strait Rift – Sputnik International

Perhaps Putin should “stand up” to Trump over the Mexican border mess?

Makes about as much sense…

In light of the American-Migrant border standoff at the USA-Mexican border, Joe Blow, a retired Russian Navy Admiral and former military commander of CSTO, penned an article for Time to call on President Putin to ‘strongly affirm’ Russian support for Honduras Migrants ‘in every dimension, including providing them with capable defensive armament’…

That is what I thought, stupid huh!

Then why do we do such stupid ass things and make us look like blithering idiots all over the world?


10,000 steps this morning in Russia…

Now that I know that my neck arteries are clear, I can exert more physically. To be honest I was a tiny bit, okay a bunch, worried. But now I can get back to walking and bear the pain with more ease of mind…

Besides it is full fledged winter here in Russia and that makes me happy…


Putin Quotes you should think about…. $

“We understand that if we’ll make transactions in [US] dollars, they won’t come through,” Putin told reporters on Wednesday…. “So we thought up another option.”

The Russian president noted that the ‘dollar-less’ S-400s deal with Turkey is just one example. The same will apply to “other types of goods” as well, said Putin…

Well well well…

Lets see: Iran uses oil to trade for goodies from Russia. China and Russia have gone very yuan and ruble in transactions. Right now dozens of countries are exchanging in barter and or their own currencies and it is looking very likely that the EU gang will do the same…


Drama in the Kerch Strait: teasing the Russian bear | Asia Times – By Pepe Escobar

Predictably, Western media has been complaining again about “Russian aggression”, a gift that keeps on giving. Or blaming Russia for its over-reaction, overlooking the fact that Ukraine’s incursion was with military vessels, not fishing boats. Russian resolve was quite visible, as powerful Ka-52 “Alligator” assault helicopters were promptly on the scene.Washington and Brussels uncritically bought Kiev’s “Russian aggression” hysteria, as well as the UN Security Council, which, instead of focusing on the facts in the Kerch Strait incident, preferring to accuse Moscow once again of annexing Crimea in 2014.The key point, overlooked by the UNSC, is that the Kerch incident configures Kiev’s flagrant violation of articles 7, 19 and 21 of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea.

Source: Drama in the Kerch Strait: teasing the Russian bear | Asia Times

As most often Pepe gets it correct…