Time for Super Checkup…

I have been having issues and after saving up money to get some checkup done. It is time….it will cost around 50,000 rubles for all the work you see below. That is at today’s rate $752 and that hurts like hornet sting. But sometimes you have to bite the bullet and or in this case, get poked and prodded by mean Russian women… 😉

Comprehensive survey (check-up) for men expanded, maximum risks

Stage 1. Laboratory research:

1 Complete blood count
2 Biochemical blood test
3 Lipid profile (high and low density cholesterol)
4 Glycated hemoglobin
5 Coagulogram + D-dimer
6 TSH thyroid stimulating hormone
7 T4 free – thyroxine free thyroid
8 Testosterone
9 PSA common – tumor marker of the prostate gland
10 PSA free – tumor marker of the prostate gland
11 Complex HIV, syphilis, hepatitis B and C
12 General urine analysis

Stage 2 Diagnostic examination:

13 MRI of the pelvic organs
14 echocardiography (ultrasound of the heart)
15 ECG with transcript
16 abdominal ultrasound
17 thyroid ultrasound
18 ultrasound of the urinary system
19 Gastroscopy under sedation (in medication sleep)
20 Colonoscopy under sedation (in medication sleep)

Can I have the iPhone instead of being picked on?

Stage 3 Specialist advice:

21 Consultation cardiologist
22 Consultation urologist
23 If necessary, consultations of a gastroenterologist, endocrinologist, rheumatologist, and neurologist are also included.
24 Consultation therapist

I am not looking forward to all this, but as I have said, the healthcare here in Russia is fantastic and the price is something that many readers from America could only dream about…

Heaven forbid! A damn iPhone costs way more than all this work to be done…


Good Article by James George JATRAS

Sayonara, ‘America First’! We Hardly Knew Ye!

Trump has the goods on them but just sits on his hands and threatens. (He should heed that great philosopher Tuco from The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: “When you have to shoot, shoot – don’t talk.”) For those patiently waiting for Trump’s “4D chess” game to unleash QAon’s “Storm,” here’s a news flash: the cavalry is not coming to the rescue. The following are just a few names that will never be brought to justice: Rod Rosenstein, Peter Strzok, Bruce Ohr, Andrew McCabe, James Comey, Lisa Page, Andrew Weissma

Source: Sayonara, ‘America First’! We Hardly Knew Ye!

© 2010 – 2018 | Strategic Culture Foundation | Republishing is welcomed with reference to Strategic Culture on-line journal www.strategic-culture.org.


Ukraine has been a testing ground in the past for illegal things…

I was in on the Ukraine blocking of websites (2011) many years ago. WtR was being blocked by a new software be tested by Ukraine. This usage of Ukraine as a test site is nothing new…

Ukraine is Blocking Windows to Russia on a Permanent Basis – (Tuesday, August 16, 2011)

Now in another type of should be illegal (morally or not) activity…

Ukrainian State Border Service Head Pyotr Tsigikal said earlier that security measures would be tightened at crossing points. “The entry of foreigners, first and foremost, Russian nationals, has been restricted. Russian men aged 16 to 60 have been barred from entering the country,” he said at a meeting dedicated to ensuring the country’s defense capability in the situation of martial law, which also involved Ukrainian President Pyotr Poroshenko.

This is just the testing ground for starting the rounding up of Russians in the west…

Very important and it is the start of UK/USA rounding up Russians…

Russians living in the west and lap puppy eastern states, better get their act together. They will be coming for you….sooner or later…

One step at a time…

Russians are the Boogeymen!


Russia Trolls America…

The country’s space agency, Roscosmos, has previously stated it will start building a lunar base in 2025 with humans being stationed there from 2030 or 2031. While there, the head of Roscosmos, Dmitry Rogozin, said they will check America’s claims. After being asked in NASA landed there, Mr Rogozin said: “We have set this objective to fly and verify whether they’ve been there or not.” While Mr Rogozin’s answer may have been tongue-in-cheek, this is not the first time Russia has had concerns over NASA’s

Source: Moon landing CONSPIRACY shock: Russia to ‘VERIFY’ whether NASA REALLY went to the moon | Science | News | Express.co.uk

And days later…

NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine says the U.S. is within 10 years of having a continuous manned presence on the moon, which will lay the groundwork for expanding space exploration to Mars.

“Right now we’re building a space station, we call it ‘Gateway,’ that’s going to be in orbit around the moon — think of it as a reusable command module where we can have human presence in orbit around the moon. From there we want reusable landers that go back and forth to the surface of the moon,” Bridenstine told Hill.TV’s Jamal Simmons and Buck Sexton on “Rising.”

Source: NASA chief says US within 10 years of continuous manned presence on moon

This has become a weekly and almost daily thing for Russia to Troll the USA….and America falls for it “Hook, Line and Sinker”… 😉

Like fishing for Bluegills…