I met Antolly the Russian…

While the west warmongers and screams about a resurgent Russia, evil demon Russia, a Russia waiting on the abyss of sanity to consume Europe and then the whole world. This American is undoing the hate caused by that misinformation, that is being falsely spread about Russia, as I walk in the Tiny Russian Village. It

What Should We Do About Crimea?

By Ron Paul… Is Crimea about to explode? The mainstream media reports that Russia has amassed troops on the border with Ukraine and may be spoiling for a fight. The Russians claim to have stopped a Ukrainian sabotage team that snuck into Crimea to attack key infrastructure. The Russian military is holding exercises in Crimea

A visit to the monastery of St. Nicholas – Посещение святой обители святителя Николая

In Sarajevo area is the ancient monastery of St. Nicholas Bavykinsky where, destroying buildings, the Soviet atheism failed to destroy the spiritual richness and splendor of the holy place. August 6, 2016, Bishop Matthew Skopinsky and Shatsky first visited this monastery. Ruling Archpastor met: the abbot of St. Nicholas Monastery Bavykinskogo Sarajevo district – the