They become delusional… ~~ Come on America; enough of the games. Just flip a coin and name the winner of the coin toss the president….think about how much money we could save if we just coin tossed the election in the first place. ~~ Sarcasm aside: That coin toss concept makes a hell of a […]
Yes, the USA is always #1 – even in a good scandal soap opera… The Bidenites and Trumpies all have their panties in a twist….there is some serious “putting on the pedestal” issues going on right now in the USA… Jeez Louise, talk about the greatest race between two old guys, whom neither one is […]
The only truth about the oil tankers that the USA illegally confiscated back in August 2020 is that “We” (USA) admit that “We” took the tankers against the wishes of others, “We” (USA) now proclaim that “We” sold it and “We” (USA) do not seem to care that facts, legality and morality are completely lacking […]
You can tell Sveta is around. Now pictures of me are common. Even if I do not want them taken….I am worn out in this image and yet, I really realized how much weight I have lost… The first thing in my mind as I saw this photo above; That is my Grandpa Stroud! I […]
It is amazing when the realization of normalcy hits home again. I can hear the slight breathing of Svetochka in the other room. She sleeps much longer periods of time than I do. Thus, during her sleep times, I do all my writing and whatnot’s… While the weather is not cooperating for happy walks and […]
Russia going to to annex everything east of the Dnieper in Ukraine… WtR
Tomorrow on Saturday about noon. I will pick Svetochka up from the big main highway, which is about a two hour drive from TRV. She is taking a taxi (Six hour trip from Moscow.) to a gas station on that highway and I will get her from there… Then a week later, Svetochka and I […]
“The transfer of long-range missiles from Iran to Venezuela is not acceptable to the United States and will not be tolerated or permitted,” said Elliott Abrams, the State Department Special Representative for Iran and Venezuela.”We will make every effort to stop shipments of long-range missiles, and if somehow they get to Venezuela they will be […]
MOSCOW, October 29./TASS/. Former National Security Agency (NSA) whistleblower Edward Snowden, who has obtained an open-ended Russian residency permit, is going to be a father soon, his lawyer Anatoly Kucherena told TASS on Thursday.The baby will have citizenship of the Russian Federation, Kucherena affirmed. “They [Snowden and his wife Lindsay Mills] are expecting their child […]
Little creatures seem to like me. I do not know why, but they seem to… The yard down the way has sunflowers everywhere. The birds do not touch them. They are exactly the same as what I put out for the flying piggy’s in our yard… Yesterday, I watched at least a hundred Chickadees, better […]