The Western Neocon gang’s only chance, in their opinion, was to storm the gas station dubbed Russia and then woke the sleeping bear.

They then used the conjured up fantastic bandwagon of sanctions. Absolutely believing that their actions would cause Russia to implode. Similar to “quickly” as in within two weeks of their attack. They are currently on the “#Whatsoever” sanction plan since they were unprepared for the penalties to backfire one after another or nor to fight in a protracted war of any kind. In fact, they could not have imagined that Russia would prosper and they would decline…

Since then, the United States and the rest of the West have been aimlessly bouncing around, stuck in a situation from which they cannot get out of, without suffering severe humiliation and public derision and now are at fear of being accused of terrible true crimes, crimes that Russia is recording daily and Russia is dotting I’s and crossing T’s…

Me thinks that the West needs to eat Humble Pie…