Pretty simple answer, Above our pay grade…

Email was sent to me and it read:

“Why don’t Europeans recognize that the US is throwing them under the bus? I can’t stand it. The United States is provoking Russia to attack all of Europe, as they have done and been proven with Ukraine.”

Something evil has reared its head and we are the meal…

Weapon systems of Russia? Some God Level Stuff…

It is all simple and yet all not acceptable as being so simple and it is all confusing due to so much disinformation being tossed into a strong fan and blown everywhere…

Pretty simple answer, Above our pay grade…


The best thing for the world is for the West to go off that cliff…

The collective West, which is full of craven, greedy fools, is unaware that Ukraine is now playing the ultimate role of being the shiny object over there, dragging them down and distracting them while the global majority builds institutions and structures over which the collective West and its corrupt billionaire class will have no control or dominance. In the end, Ukraine will also return to its natural orbit (the Russian world). – kKEETON…

May the bottom be very very deep as in Hell itself…