Hello, A few days ago we posted a article about building three Orthodox Churches in one day! We at that time was not sure when they where going to build them. They built them….
in November, amounting to 10.6 percent for the first 11 months. Core inflation, which excludes price changes for certain goods prone to administrative and seasonality factors, was 1.1 percent in November 2008 and 12.7 percent from the beginning of the year. RBC, 05.12.2008, Moscow 13:22:15.The Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church is set to […]
Today I watched a news flash that Putin explained to BBC that he will not return to the presidency before 2012, when presidential position comes up for renewal and only then will he decide if he wants to run at all. Putin had to bring this up because it seems that everyone and their brother […]
November 2008, in comparison with the same period of 2007, to reach 134,677 vehicles, the Russian office of the company announced on Tuesday. November was not a particularly successful month for the company, however. It sold 7218 cars, 31.4 percent less than November 2007. Between January and November, Nissan sold 6970 Infiniti models (the maker’s […]
I was drinking my morning cup of coffee and reading about the project that the Orthodox Church has underway. Three new churches are to be built simultaneously and in one day in the Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian capitals. The remarkable Orthodox project being undertaken in Moscow, Kiev and Minsk marks one thousand and twenty years […]
I have written before about Kiev, Ukraine. It is a city that I love but it is also a city that has lots of problems. It seems the main problem is the government of the country or more specifically: The Ukraine President…. KIEV, December 2 (RIA Novosti) – Ukraine’s president (Viktor Yushchenko) has ordered a […]
Moscow today. He did not rule out the possibility that, to achieve this goal, the Russian court system would have to be transformed. The Strasbourg Court and any other international courts cannot, and should not, substitute for Russian courts, the president stressed. RBC, 02.12.2008, Moscow 14:47:58.Russian President Dmitry Medvedev assured the 7th congress of judges […]
Yesterday once again was a interesting day in the world. I spent yesterday cleaning house and ignoring the blogs. I was drinking my cup of coffee in between loads of laundry and came across a news flash that America might be in a recession. I laughed and thought to myself, “America is in a recession […]
Barack Obama is being asked to authorize the reconstruction of the White House – but not the one which serves as the presidential residence in Washington. The call has come from custodians of an exact replica in a remote area of Ukraine. (Read More) Hummmmm… Kyle & Svet