Yes actually this is a good idea, even if you just understand why it is a good idea!

What is sauce for the Goose is sauce for the Gander…

Iranian journalist Hassan Mafi: Do you think Russia should provide “lethal aid” to Yemen to protect freedom and democracy, since the US provided the same to Ukraine for the same reason?

For if it was the USA supporting Yemen? The USA would be sending arms of death and destruction by the ship and plane load to Yemen. Right?

Time to wake up people…


Permanent Mission of Russia to the UN – about Gonzalo Lira…

About the death of American journalist Gonzalo Lira

We are deeply outraged by the information received about the death of American journalist Gonzalo Lira in Ukrainian dungeons. According to available information, he was in prison and tortured.

❗️We are convinced that the Kiev regime is behind this crime , which is trying not only to destroy those who do not agree with its criminal logic, but also does not spare hundreds of thousands of its citizens, drowning the country in blood.

We are also not surprised that the United States made no effort to free its citizen . Moreover, we are sure that these “champions of freedom of speech with double standards” will try to silence the death of the journalist.

🕯We offer our deepest condolences to Father Gonzalo, who died for fearlessly defending the truth and his beliefs .

О гибели американского журналиста Гонсало Лиры

Глубоко возмущены поступившей информацией о гибели в украинских застенках американского журналиста Гонсало Лиры. По имеющейся информации, он находился в тюрьме и подвергался пыткам.

❗️Убеждены, что за этим преступлением стоит киевский режим, который пытается не только уничтожить тех, кто не согласен с его преступной логикой, но и не жалеет сотни тысяч своих граждан, топя страну в крови.

Не удивлены и тем, что США не приложили усилий по освобождению своего гражданина. Более того, уверены, что эти «поборники свободы слова с двойной моралью» постараются замолчать гибель журналиста.

🕯Приносим глубочайшие соболезнования отцу Гонсало, погибшего за то, что бесстрашно отстаивал правду и свои убеждения.

Rest in Peace Gonzalo Lira…

Yes it is just one man, yet he did touch my life and I did listen to him…

I am against the unprovoked killing of humans, encompassing much more than just Gonzalo Lira into that statement. Lately we have been able to see the death of many many humans and over the last hundred years we have watched the USA lead the pack as to killing humans unprovoked. Now us Humans are watching the latest genocide in Gaza…

Gonzalo Lira

Yet this is about one man. A 55 year old white man, a Chilean-American citizen who made some wrong decisions and made some very correct decisions also. Sounds human, doesn’t he?

I have seen no evidence to justify his arrest. If Gonzalo had violated Ukrainian law, they would have only to expel him from Ukraine. That is what a civilized country does. But then again he choose to resume his talks after being arrested once before. Why he was not kicked out of Ukraine then? Thus he knew what was his fate…

My only criticism of Gonzalo was that he sensationalized too much and expressed that he was always afraid that something would happen to him. Yet never took the moves to safeguard himself. Whilst he emphasized his freedom of expression, he probably while realizing that there was much at stake in the conflict, figured that talking about Ukraine as an American would save him. Therefore, anyone who challenged the Ukraine Narrative would pay the price, but as an American his country would get him out at that time. Yet he lost that tidbit of info about “Western Narrative” and the realization that he was very expendable, unless he shut up and fast…

From what I understand: He was expected to move to Russia once much of Ukraine had left the Kharkov region. He sent his wife and children to Russia, but remained in Kharkov. He even ran the wrong way at the very last as he ran toward Hungary and not Russia. At that time I kept asking, “Why do these people run the wrong way and not allow Russia to help?” Thinking back about Assange and several others in life, even Snowden was lucky and never wanted Russia. Yet Russia accepted him….

Although he made valid points about the Ukrainian government and military, it was very risky to do so within the country of the people you criticized. More so when that country is a direct sponsored NATO built war machine to attack Russia. He became a liability to the USA…

This statement above is a personally experienced issue that I myself can attest to about the way that people who communicate in the wrong fashion get treated within the USA and for him to think that anyone in the USA Gov would ride a white horse to save him, well he was very wrong. In fact they will be the first to throw dirt on his face when they bury him…

It is our choice to be either a liability and or a sheep. When you country is as corrupt and immoral as 95% of all Western Countries are, it is very easy to be a liability…

I am under no false pretenses that America would even care if I live or die and that they would without a doubt hasten my departure from this planet when they decide to. Thus I need to be smart…

Gonzalo’s death is a message to all American journalists and bloggers living in a Western Country: they will come to your home, and it doesn’t matter whether you are American or not, they will take you away and kill you. When they decide to do it, they will…

You should never forget, for I won’t about when I went to Greece…

Questions that got me in trouble in Greece!

I shut up and got home to Russia safely… (Thank You Russia)

Gonzalo you should have shut up and, “Got out of Dodge”…

Rest in Peace Gonzalo…


PS: Response by Russia…

❗️We note the deliberate silence of the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media T. Ribeiro regarding the death of American journalist Gonzalo Lira in a Ukrainian prison . It is not surprising that this blatant example of repression remained without reaction from the US Permanent Mission to the OSCE, which is usually very concerned about the rights of the “correct” media

However, we are already accustomed to such pathological hypocrisy both on the part of some OSCE functionaries and countries that consider themselves “model democracies.” After all, the “collective West” has long given carte blanche to cancel, persecute and kill with impunity objectionable reporters who disseminate an alternative point of view on what is happening in the world