Yes it is and yes it was…

This whole “let the cat out of the bag” moment these last few years of the Empire of Lies and Chaos, is a truly phenomenal happening. It is actually a, “Wizard of OZ curtain pull back moment!”

I am very happy that Russians have gotten the damn “starry and gold in them there American hills” eyes dimmed and gone. – kKEETON


Never Ever says the USA…

“USA will Never Ever” as in, “Never Ever Going to Pay it’s Debt Back”. As in that “Never Ever”. – kKEETON…

Therefore everyone, “Stop following the USA into the $ Dollar pit of Hades!”

Time for a new Bandwagon?

Better to take your lumps with the rest of the world and get a life back…


Finally working site Reports for MoD from December 30th, 2023 to January 2nd, 2024…

Caught up the best I can get right now…