Normative American tactics: You double down when things are not going your way. You simply keep doing it if your policies aren’t functioning. As Russia continues to crush the Ukrainian army, we are entering a very dangerous phase. The Neocons, Liberals and Whatsits in the West may and or will either overreact or perceive an opportunity to manipulate events and do something incredibly foolish. – kKEETON…

Danger = Neocons, Liberals and Whatsits, whom are all looking for blood and to save their asses from the meat grinder…


Corruption begat Corruption…

Without a doubt the USA and UK are thee most corrupt countries that we have had upon our planet for a very longtime. When you make a Banana Republic look good, you are exceedingly corrupted…

I believe that the issue stems from the fact that neither the American nor the British would employ someone with skill, intelligence, or ethics, within any administration of any part of the government…

Everything from below the ground and up is corrupted, includable and encompassing, but not limited to politics, the media, the armed forces, the judiciary, education, medicine, pharmacy, and business…


1. The inept continue because they are unable to leave.
2. Those with low intelligence remain because they are unable to recognize the issue.
3. People with no integrity tend to stick around because they are getting richer.
4. Evil loves lowlifes and company.


Ukraine has verified my KIA and WIA numbers…

500,000 men, women, whatnot’s more have to be found for Ukraine to continue to fight…

That is after over a 1,000,000 as in million men were already fighting. Plus at least half million pencil pushers behind the scene…

Play it how you want…

Give or take a few thousand, 1,000,000 men are dead and God only knows the wounded count…

Ukraine has just verified this by its actions and implemented programs to gather enough people to fight. Yes not men, people and anything that walks and or not walks…

By my estimation and running count 800,000 (+ or – 10,000) Ukrainian Soldiers have lost their lives in the SMO and over 2,000,000 wounded…


When you hear this kinda stuff, you know it is game over…

The Western Empire is so broke and financially deceptive in monetising debt as real money, that it now takes around $1.55 in “budget debt deficit” to generate $1 of “falsely abled to report growth”, and $2.50 in new debt to generate $1 of GDP…

Thus, as all through history, Debt is not positive portfolio recorded money…

Debt is = to money, goods, etc. which is owed by you, a company and or even a country and if you owe, you are broke, until it is paid off…