Putin on negotiations with the Western World and it is all about the Western World and not just Ukraine…

“Negotiating now just because they’ve run out of ammunition would be ridiculous on our part. We are, however, ready for a serious conversation, and seek to resolve all conflicts, especially this conflict, by peaceful means. But we must clearly and precisely understand for ourselves that this is not a pause for the enemy seeks to take to rearm, but a serious conversations with security guarantees for the Russian Federation,” the Putin emphasized…

Except Putin knows that the West is, “Negotiation Illiterate”…


Putin Interview March 13th, 2024…

🎙 Interview of Russian President V.V. Putin with D.K. Kiselyov (March 13, 2024)

Sputnik English version below…

Read in full


Russian only version below…

💬 Russia is not at a crossroads. It is on the strategic path of its development, and will not deviate from its path.


• Many people in the world are looking at us, at what is happening in our country and in our struggle for our interests. < …> They associate our struggle for their independence and true sovereignty with their aspirations for their own sovereignty and independent development.

• But this is aggravated by the fact that there is a very strong desire among Western elites to freeze the existing unjust state of affairs in international affairs. They have been accustomed for centuries to fill their bellies with human flesh and their pockets with money. But they must understand that the vampire ball is ending.


• Are we ready to negotiate? Yes, we are ready. But only we are ready for negotiations, not based on some “wants” after the use of psychotropic drugs, but based on the realities that have developed, as they say in such cases, on earth.

• We are ready for a serious conversation , and we want to resolve all conflicts, especially this conflict, by peaceful means. But we must clearly and clearly understand for ourselves that this is not a pause that the enemy wants to take for rearmament, but this is a serious conversation with security guarantees for the Russian Federation.

• They use British and American missiles. This does not change the situation on the battlefield. Yes, they cause us harm, of course, that’s obvious. But, in essence, this does not change the course of hostilities and the consequences that inevitably occur for the opposite side.


• We know what American troops are like on Russian territory. These are the interventionists . This is how we will treat it, even if they appear on the territory of Ukraine, they understand this.

• I have said many times, for us it is a matter of life and death, and for them it is a matter of improving their tactical position in general in the world, but also in Europe, in particular, maintaining their status among their allies. This is also important, but not as much as it is for us.

🎙 From an interview with Russian President V.V. Putin to D.K. Kiselyov (March 13, 2024)

❓ Vladimir Vladimirovich, what happened to Macron? < …> He is going to send French troops to fight our army. < …> Still, how to react to this?

💬 V.V. Putin: The fact is that the military of Western countries has been present in Ukraine for a long time, they were present even before the coup, and after the coup their number increased multiple times. Now they are present directly in the form of advisers, they are present in the form of foreign mercenaries and are suffering losses.

But if we are talking about official military contingents of foreign states, then I am sure that this will not change the situation on the battlefield – this is the most important thing, just as the supply of weapons does not change anything.

Secondly, this could lead to serious geopolitical consequences . Because if we say that Polish troops enter the territory of Ukraine, < …> then I think that Polish troops will never leave there. It seems so to me. They dream and see, they want to return those lands that they consider historically theirs < …>.

❓ If we return to Macron, maybe he decided to take revenge on Russia in this way because we “stepped on his tail” in Africa, and we had to “stand there, be afraid”? He probably didn’t expect us to be so active there.

💬 V.V. Putin: We did not go into Africa and squeeze France out of there. The problem is different. The well-known Wagner group first carried out a number of economic projects in Syria, then moved to other African countries. The Ministry of Defense provides support, but only on the basis that this is a Russian group, nothing more. < …>

It’s just that the African leaders of some countries agreed with Russian economic operators, wanted to work with them , but did not want to work with the French in some way. It was not even our initiative, it was an initiative on the part of our African friends.


Volodin of Duma about Germany and that war Germany wants…

▶️ Vyacheslav Volodin: our country has something to answer.

Today, the State Duma adopted an appeal to the Bundestag in connection with the discussion by the German military command of launching strikes on the territory of the Russian Federation.

“Our country has something to answer. There are the most modern, high-tech weapons, which have no equal. We are a peaceful country, we are doing everything to reach a solution through dialogue. But there are those who do not hear,” said Chairman of the State Duma Vyacheslav Volodin during the discussion.

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