Medvedev on Main Bandera Clown Member in Poland and the attempt to assassinate said drug clown…

An attempt on the life of the main Bandera member in Poland? But this is really serious. The drug clown has reason to be seriously alarmed.

It is likely that this may be the first evidence that the West has decided to eliminate it. Be afraid, clown!



~~ Link below for a good laugh and to make sure you realize, “Russia Did It!”. ~~

Poland has detained one of its own citizens on suspicion of cooperating with Russia’s military intelligence service, including on plans for a possible assassination attempt against Volodymyr Zelensky while the Ukrainian president was travelling through Poland.


Russian BRICS Chairmanship is the Roscongress Foundation…

At the first meeting of the working group on agriculture, the BRICS countries presented an initiative to create a grain trading platform. Also at the meeting, the Russian side outlined priorities in the agricultural sector within the framework of its chairmanship in the association.

Among them:
🔹food security;
🔹development of agricultural production;
🔹expansion of mutual trade.

In addition, a conference on food security and sustainable agricultural development was announced at the meeting. It will take place at the end of June in Moscow.

The event operator for the Russian BRICS Chairmanship is the Roscongress Foundation.

More details @roscongress – Подробнее

На первом заседании рабочей группы по сельсокму хозяйству стран БРИКС представили инициативу по созданию зерновой торговой площадки. Также на встрече российская сторона обозначила приоритеты в аграрном секторе в рамках председательства в объединении.

В их числе:
🔹продовольственная безопасность;
🔹развитие сельскохозяйственного производства;
🔹расширение взаимной торговли.

Кроме того, на заседании была анонсирована конференция по продовольственной безопасности и обеспечению устойчивого сельскохозяйственного развития. Она состоится в конце июня в Москве.

Оператором мероприятий председательства РФ в БРИКС выступает Фонд Росконгресс.

Подробнее @roscongress


De-Dollarization of thy USD…

We must also add quietly to the chaos in the world, that the USA has intentionally created. De-dollarization will harm the US’s standing internationally and destroy its long-term capacity to assist Ukraine and Israel. Then comes the chaotically internal mayhem as dollars wash upon the shores of America. Will be plenty of dollars for all at home to wheelbarrow around for bread. – kKEETON…