Russian Duma, We need to protect our children…

We need to protect our children.

We have begun to consider a bill that would establish a ban on adoption or guardianship for citizens of foreign countries where gender reassignment is allowed.

The proposal to make such a decision found wide support. We discussed it with you earlier.
This will be the right and logical step within the framework of Russian state policy aimed at protecting traditional values ​​and childhood.

Before this, we made decisions to ban the promotion of non-traditional sexual relationships, pedophilia, and gender reassignment.

The introduced legislative initiative involves the denial of adoption or guardianship of children from Russia to citizens of: Australia, Austria, Argentina, Belgium, Britain, Germany, Denmark, Iceland, Spain, Italy, Canada, Norway, Finland, Switzerland, Estonia and other countries where gender reassignment permitted either through medical intervention or as a result of changes to identity documents.

It is extremely important to eliminate the possible dangers of gender reassignment that adopted children in these countries may face.

In Europe and the United States of America, gender reassignment procedures have a steady upward trend, as they are stimulated by states. In the USA, the number of such operations increases annually by 12% and amounts to tens of thousands . These include medical interventions for adolescents. In Europe, gender reassignment is most common in Germany and the Netherlands.

The law being passed will help us protect children.


So why would Russia wait for you to get ready?

So NATO needs 5 years to prepare to fight Russia. So what would happen if the western ignorant dreams would come true, sooner than later?

Russia might attack them now, for you see, Russia is ready now and may not sit around waiting…

A true, Stupid is as Stupid does, situation…


Extra: Bundeswehr Inspector General Carsten Breuer has estimated that Germany has until 2029 to get ready for a potential military conflict with Moscow, as Russia could be in a position to attack NATO by then. ?

Interesting and stupid…

Look at that bright side…

The bright side is that after the SMO (Special Military Operation), there won’t be much of an insurgency possible, because Bandera will have taken the most fervent and capable individuals from the Ukrainian side. What’s left of Bandera loving trash, will travel to the West in the hopes of getting paid for upholding Western Ideologies and that “money” they have been “promised”. – kKEETON…

~ All about the moolah baby, the moolah! ~


Electronics: Again it is all above our pay grade and happened while we stare at our cellphones all day…

The new factory will be a “dark factory” that can operate 24 hours a day without people. Additionally, the machines in the factory can cooperate with each other. The factory can also create a dust-free environment all by itself with micron-level dust removal.

Mr thinks that we missed something and after looking around a bit, I missed a bunch of advancement. Like in humans have very little to do with the new electronic development…

Again it is all above our pay grade…


FANUC, a Japanese robotics company, has been a lights-out factory since 2001. Robots are building other robots at a rate of about 50 per 24-hour shift and can run unsupervised for as long as 30 days at a time. “Not only is it lights-out,” says Fanuc vice president Gary Zywiol, “we turn off the air conditioning and heat too.” –

Again, we missed it and it has become way above our pay grade as humans…

Gonna be an interesting next twenty years and I hope to live to see all twenty + …


An intriguing point, particularly in light of the recent NATO meeting on the subject of military hardware…

In essence, NATO is sending their real hardware. Hardware it relied upon to do the wars it starts all over the world. The hardware that they would use in any conflict rather than leftovers and junk. And all of it has been destroyed easily by the Russians. NATO is looking at a massive Killing Defensive Machine in the Russians and they never saw that coming…

That damn gas station with nukes…

Except this gas station is a Russian Bear and has Nukes for Claws…

Now the West is scrambling and flailing, for they purposefully woke the bear. For they thought that their stick was big enough…

The Russian Bear was very happy to sleep and be left alone…