Trump Assassination Attempt…

I believe that the inadequate security disaster at the Trump event serves as an example of the incompetence that the West is currently facing, with the US at the forefront. You have an intriguing scenario where nobody knows anything and nobody seems to care. Then you add a hint of paid bribery, promises of grandeur and cohersion to the mix and you see how far down the rabbit hole the West has gone. – kKEETON…


PDF of Crimes by Kiev Regime…

⚡️ The Kiev regime and its armed formations continue targeted terrorist attacks against civilians in Russian regions. They are being carried out with the use of weapons supplied by NATO countries, which are de facto involved in attacking the population of our country.
The goal is obvious: to intimidate the civilian population and destroy civilian infrastructure.

Crimes by the Kiev regime, June 2024 – PDF to read

❗️Accountability for the crimes committed by the Ukrainian armed formations and military units of Ukrainian neo-Nazis is provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation and will inevitably follow.

💬 Rodion Miroshnik, Ambassador-at-Large of the Russian Foreign Ministry on crimes of the Kiev regime, continues his thorough work to systematize data on the terrible tragedies that were caused by the use of weapons by the formations of the Kiev regime against the civilian population.

👉 We bring to your attention the thematic digest regarding the most heinous crimes committed in June 2024

🇷🇺 The Russian Permanent Mission to the OSCE presented this digest to all OSCE participating States, the OSCE Secretariat and OSCE specialized institutions.

❗️It is important not to allow the Kiev regime and its Western sponsors to silence the crimes by the Kiev regime and their dire consequences.


Maria Vladimirovna Zakharova on, “The bell is already ringing in Washington!”

English farther down…

Бобби Кеннеди, сын Роберта Ф.Кеннеди-младшего о неспособности американских спецслужб защитить кандидата в президенты : «Незащищенная крыша в 150 ярдах от нас. Многочисленные свидетели, они кричали на секретную службу и снимали в течение 3-4 минут, пока видели, как парень с винтовкой подполз к месту и прицелился. Возьми свою Секретную службу и засунь его себе в задницу! Молюсь за Трампа и его семью».

Дорогой Бобби и все те, кто голосуют в США за поставки Зеленскому оружия:

1. Может, лучше на эти деньги профинансировать американскую полицию и другие службы, которые должны обеспечивать правопорядок внутри США?

2. Вчера один из главарей киевского режима Буданов открыто признался, что украинская разведка готовила покушения на Президента России. Так это покушение готовилось опять же на американские деньги, без которых никакой зловредной деятельности ГУР, СБУ и в целом Банковой и не было бы.

3. Массированным финансированием и бесконтрольной поставкой вооружений Вашингтон на Украине создал террористическую структура – киевский режим. Это машина убийств, подрывов, уничтожений, терактов как в отношении политических фигур, так и в отношении гражданского населения. Один только сайт «Миротворец», опекаемый американцами, чего стоит – буквально таблица ликвидации журналистов и общественных деятелей.

Соединённые Штаты Америки должны инвентаризировать свою политику по разжиганию ненависти к политическим оппонентам, странам и народом, спонсированию терроризма. Колокол звонит уже по Вашингтону!


Bobby Kennedy, son of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on the failure of American intelligence agencies to protect the presidential candidate: “An unprotected roof 150 yards away. Numerous witnesses, they shouted at the secret service and filmed for 3-4 minutes while they saw the guy with the rifle crawl to the spot and take aim. Take your Secret Service and shove it up your ass! Praying for Trump and his family.”

Dear Bobby and all those who vote in the USA for the supply of weapons to Zelensky:

1. Maybe it would be better to use this money to finance the American police and other services that should ensure law and order within the United States?

2. Yesterday, one of the leaders of the Kyiv regime, Budanov, openly admitted that Ukrainian intelligence was preparing assassination attempts on the President of Russia. So this assassination attempt was prepared, again, with American money, without which there would have been no harmful activities of the Main Intelligence Directorate, the SBU and Bankova as a whole.

3. With massive funding and uncontrolled supply of weapons, Washington created a terrorist structure in Ukraine – the Kiev regime. This is a machine of murders, explosions, destruction, terrorist attacks against both political figures and the civilian population. The “Peacemaker” website alone, patronized by the Americans, is worth it – literally a table of liquidation of journalists and public figures.

The United States of America must take stock of its policies on inciting hatred towards political opponents, countries and people, and sponsoring terrorism. The bell is already ringing in Washington!