Memo… (2)

Milk & Coffee!

A jotting about Robots:

Guys are like: If we had female robots to cook, clean and “other stuff”. Who needs woman?

Women are like: Now if only they could make a robot to eat anything laying around and leave lots of things laying around and never changing its socks and underwear, there would be no need for men. The “other stuff” is not a problem…

Note to myself: Keep my sweet pea, she is perfect!


This is Russia – 7

Dropped Sweet Pea off at the train station and this is what I saw as I climbed the stairs back to the path home…

She had waved at me and hopped the train to Moscow. Tomorrow everyone is back to work, but since Svetochka is in charge of all the severs at her bank, well that means she has to work a bunch more than most Russians… 🙁

I like this new phone and camera… (phone)

Gotta go and maybe I will write something profound and exciting? Nah!


A soft coup against Donald Trump – Daily Sabah

If there was ever any doubt that the resistance within the Trump administration wasn’t real, what happened in light of Trump’s decision to leave disproved the skeptics. Bolton and several other members of the Trump administration are committing a serious crime by preventing the current president of the United States from reversing his predecessor’s misguided decisions in the Syrian theater. What is happening today isn’t a policy debate, but a direct challenge to American democracy by unelected paper-pushers. Indeed, “many of the senior officials in his own administration are working diligently from within to frustrate” President Trump’s agenda.

A soft coup against Trump is underway in the United States. In recent days, anonymous U.S. officials, like the author of the infamous op-ed in The New York Times, have repeatedly lied to the American people in an attempt to force Trump to walk back from his comments about Syria. Turkey, they said, would “slaughter the Kurds” if U.S. military advisers leave the battlefield unconditionally. Although Turkey did not respond to that ludicrous accusation due to its absurdity, the speed at which such lies have been spreading demonstrates that malice, not ignorance, drives them.

Source: A soft coup against Donald Trump – Daily Sabah

Smartphones have still peaked…

Several years ago I wrote about the demise of smartphones as we know them. They peaked as far as serious changes. Screens do not count. Faster internet does not count. What counts is, do you have something no one else has. And the answer is, “No”!

They are trying to make you believe that thinner is better, don’t fix – just buy a new one and cost means quality and other trash talking propaganda…

Fluff does not make a better smartphone…

Smartphones have peaked…

We have very good phones. iPhone and Samsung are good, they have led the way for many years, but they have peaked. Samsung’s gravy is not phones, it is OLED displays, NAND flash, and DRAM chips and not the phone themselves. They supply the world with the parts to make the phones. That is why you see Samsung ho hum about other companies and the gathering phones sales percents. iPhone uses Samsung parts to make their phones, if that tells you anything…

I suspect that Samsung may not care, as long as they make the parts for all those phones being made…

I suspect iPhone does care….it is very nichey…

Two things are driving this smartphone issue that iPhone, HTC, Blackberry, Sony, Nokia (and on and on with many brands) is having people who are willing to innovate and garner the newest firmware and make them work on older phones. This is what I do and I have several old phones running Android Pie and they came with Jellybean and or Marshmallow… Yes they are old…

This leads us to the biggest issue: #2 reason…

What is now a base line phone is better than a phone two years ago. That with the fact that they cost under a hundred ($100) dollars and can run almost anything around software wise….makes all these phones Flagship killers anymore…

I have received recently, by a very nice person, a new UMIDIGI A3 Pro…

It is the best phone I have ever had. I have said that before, yet the cheap phones just keep getting better and better and better…

It has become my daily driver. Does not need to be rooted to make it better. It needs nothing….why it is simple when it is this easy to be a better phone….the s7 edge struggles to get connection at our flat….UMIDIGI A3 Pro has no issues and battery life because of that is measured in a week not a day…

It has replaced my S7 Edge by Samsung and now my S7 is my ROM experimentation phone. Simply amazing is all that I can say…

China is stomping the hell out of what use to be main phone companies and taking no prisoners. Samsung is in on this, as they make all the parts, for even your beloved iPhone…and a country like India and or Vietnam and or China puts them together…

It is now (Snuck up on everyone huh, iPhone?) Samsung, with Huawei nipping at their heels, iPhone falling behind, Xiaomi looking at the ass end of iPhone and OPPO right there trying to pull ahead of Xiaomi. I give it two years and iPhone and Samsung will be looking at other phones asses. iPhone is…

Now you understand why the USA Gov. is attacking Huawei, ZTE and such. Competition is not welcomed by American capitalist….also remember Samsung is letting the others slide by. That means more profits for Samsung, because cellphones is not the game for Samsung anymore…

Intel has been the dominant company in chip manufacturing for literally decades, but in 2017 it ceded its crown to Samsung, as evidenced by the two companies’ annual financial reports. First noted by Bloomberg, the change of leadership was signaled by Intel’s $62.8 billion in annual revenue being surpassed by the $69.1 billion generated by Samsung’s semiconductor division. It’s not a straightforward comparison to make, since Intel’s focus is on x86 processors, where it remains the leader by a great distance…

Source: Samsung is now the world’s biggest chipmaker – The Verge


Source: Samsung’s component division will make more money off the iPhone X than the Galaxy S8 – The Verge

Oh My! Samsung, Huawei and other elephants are squishing American companies…

Answers a bunch of questions and creates a whole bunch more questions that have to do with fair business and moralities of said business…

Right USA?